Mid grade...worth it or not...post pics if u have some?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any pics of some mid grade they grew outdoor b.c i have a bunch of seeds and i never grew mids and i was just thinking that im going 2 plant thease and get them started and trans plant them outside just to see how they do...but has anyone taken care of there mids and if so could u post some pics so i could see what they look like i never have seen a nice good looking mid plant...thanks

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
What exactly is a mid? Mid Grade as in Quality? Why would you want more of that? I have spent most of my life trying like hell to avoid it. hahahahhaha


Well-Known Member
Well dumbass if u knew shit about weed mid grade is most of the time sativa plants that get pollenated...b.c there are only 2 types of weed indican and sativa and theres not a 3rd mid grade plant..its just getting hit with male pollena nd not being taken care of i garentee u have bought some badseed before that was mid grade at one time and someone grew it right and it turned out dank...many of people have done it i was just asking if anyone has any pics of them doing it b.c i was planning on doing alot of plants this summer


Well-Known Member
your forgetting canibis ruderalis (im not sure if spelling is correct). there are more than sativa and indica. just grow your mids and take good care of them and they will turn out just as good as most other weed, most of the time anyway.


Well-Known Member
here is some bud i grew from regular old bagseed but it is indoor though. the funny thing is that like 4-5 of my friends always save the best seeds or seed out of the best weed they have so they can test what i can do with it. i have all kinds of seeds from everywhere hidden all around my room.:eyesmoke:


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Well dumbass if u knew shit about weed mid grade is most of the time sativa plants that get pollenated
I am a dumbass - nice. I very seldom come here looking for help but offer my help to new growers. I had a teacher that used to say the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. I am over 50 years old and can guarantee I have seen more types of weed than you have ever dreamed of. Keep smoking that seeded weed, you deserve it! This is what I get from trying to understand your question?


Well-Known Member
yah man. i didn't know what mid is. we must be dumbasses. i thought quality too. at least someone told him hes wrong. glad i didn't try to answer the question. Were the dumbasses trying to answer YOUR question.


Well-Known Member
ha actually bud i grow dank and very good dank if u would to look at my pics but my im asking this just for a personal ref. to see what people have done and see what the quallity has turned out to be b.c i have seen mids come out more dank then bud u prob are smoking right now...idk how ur helping people with growing u dont seem to know much but thats alright you help whoever will listen to you...you guys think im trying to grow mid grade im not i have grow dank but one of my friends whose never grown wants 2 try it and i was asking this for him and personal info but alright thanks for ur thought


Well-Known Member
Well dumbass if u knew shit about weed mid grade is most of the time sativa plants that get pollenated...b.c there are only 2 types of weed indican and sativa and theres not a 3rd mid grade plant..its just getting hit with male pollena nd not being taken care of i garentee u have bought some badseed before that was mid grade at one time and someone grew it right and it turned out dank...many of people have done it i was just asking if anyone has any pics of them doing it b.c i was planning on doing alot of plants this summer
i was trying to help you out in another thread but then i read this and im kind of shocked. first of all pretty much everything you say is wrong. you dont grow midgrade. i thought i already told you this? midgrade is normal bud. you dont call seeds midgrade. MIDGRADE IS A REFERENCE TO QUALITY OF THE BUD. it doesnt have anything to do with a strain or type of plant. they may have come from midgrade but that doesnt mean that they are going to be. its just bagseed. no one grows "mids" on purpose. also im pretty sure mids would be indica dominant. i dont know why any commercial growers would want to wait on sativa flowering times. please dont insult people on here. its just not right. that guy was trying to help you out and he was correct. not you.

and if youre curious as to how bagseed grows turn out then you can always go to the journal sections. there are plenty of grows with bagseed. the only problem youre going to have is getting the seeds to germinate. when it comes to bagseed its really just luck of the draw so you cant really tell if the plants are gunna come out great or just better than before.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man go for it. Just pick out some nice bag seeds. Thats what I do. You can grow some pretty dank shit out of a shitty bag of weed. You just have to take care of it.