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  1. DarkSarcasm420

    5 weeks old and already showing sex

    yea go for it. the plants are telling you that they are ready to flower. there plenty old enough.
  2. DarkSarcasm420

    Marijuana Nation Show on tonight!

    it is available on youtube i believe. just search for "Marijuana Nation" if it doesnt come up search for Marijuana Nation, National Geographic Special. Its not new its just a replay. i posted a thread in newbie central yesterday. im excited to see it.
  3. DarkSarcasm420


    if you growing for looks then just grow a chinese maple tree somewhere in your house. very similar looking plant just a little more purple. if you want a tree in you yard that has leaves that look similar then go for a horse chestnut. they get huge and prefer higher elevations whereas the...
  4. DarkSarcasm420

    Marijuana Nation

    bump. if i had a good enough internet connection i would watch it on youtube as well. but for that i would need to be on campus. its on tonight, 2/18/2009, at 10 pm eastern time. sorry i forgot the date last time.
  5. DarkSarcasm420

    Marijuana Nation

    ok, so Marijuana Nation is coming on tomorrow on National Geographic channel if anyone is interested. it comes on at 10 pm eastern time. bump if you care to let people kno.
  6. DarkSarcasm420

    How Long Should they Veg from Seed?

    if you post it in a forum just expect something like that. your always talking to everyone. theres no need to loose our tempers over something like that. ;-)
  7. DarkSarcasm420

    How Long Should they Veg from Seed?

    you can actually 12/12 from seed. this way the plants flower when they feel there ready adn you can chop whenever you feel their ready for the scissors.
  8. DarkSarcasm420

    WTF is the deal: Proven Growers Please Help Me!!

    very true. could have just busted a nut and that shit sat around till your females matured. if this is true you may get a few more seeds but dont fret my friend. they will grow you some more plants in the future. saving you money a little later. you wont have to buy any from online. but then...
  9. DarkSarcasm420

    pistols started browning...

    put a picture up. usually about 8 weeks from the first day you see pistils. you dont judge using the pistils tho. you look at the little tiny hairs (trichomes) on the leaves and buds themselves. youll need a maging glass or you could get a really f'n good camera to take a pic of them. but thats...
  10. DarkSarcasm420

    1st time grower what do you think(PICS)

    not the heat light tho. and dont put them too close if there not flouro or CFLs. if the top of the plant gets too hot it will hault growth. try to get those CFLs asap. i would get those and replace what you have if its not also CFLs.
  11. DarkSarcasm420

    Deformed Leaf

    cutting the affected area off. sometimes its not mold tho. sometimes its just a weird mutation in the leaves. i had the first two sets of leaves grow abnormally and then the plant fixed itself. if it gets worse over time its mold. if the leaf stays the same shape and still grows fine then you...
  12. DarkSarcasm420

    need help understanding

    check the other two plants you have. the clones you mentioned in your other post. and take a pic of that seed. if its white it didnt mature properly and wont grow. photo it and ill let you kno if its even worth a try.
  13. DarkSarcasm420


    just put them in a bag. they will still be viable for about 2 years. sometimes they will not make it that long but they usually make it at least a year. do not smash them. do not put them anywhere they can get smashed, oh and keep them dry.
  14. DarkSarcasm420

    WTF is the deal: Proven Growers Please Help Me!!

    it is possible that it hermied and just grew balls on the inside of the bud. or , if you have multiple plants one of those could be male or hermied. take pics of all of the plants. and try to get a pic real close to the bottom of a branch. where it meets the main stem. heres a picture of a male...
  15. DarkSarcasm420

    1st time grower basic questions to get started

    nirvana and attitude seeds both ship to us in disguised packages. if your growing indoors start anytime and finish anytime. if yor going outside i reccomend starting inside now and waiting till the after the last frost to transplant outside. so transplant around the end of march depending on...
  16. DarkSarcasm420

    sexing question?

    your plants can show sex as soon as they are mature. i actually have 6 plant still in veg and one is a male. the other 5 have not sexed at all yet. the male is only about 4 inches tall with about 5 or 6 nodes. sexed really early. im not sure y.
  17. DarkSarcasm420

    What Strain Should I Grow Next?

    i would go with the church which has a high yeild and a very tastey smoke. or you could go with white skunk which is a cross between white widow (or rhino) and skunk. i would not go with cheeses personally cuz they stink up the whole place. church is very good tho.
  18. DarkSarcasm420

    slow start.......?

    yea probably. whats the weather like where you are. if its any lower than like 60 then youll get a huge decrease in the rate of growth. if the temp goes below 32 F. then your going to have a dead plant overnight.
  19. DarkSarcasm420

    Fav. Movie to Watch While Stoned watch all five parts to this. i like the kinda asian/hawiian looking guy. he usually does good analogies. physics just got a whole lot crazier.
  20. DarkSarcasm420

    Fav. Movie to Watch While Stoned

    my two fav movies are Donnie Darko and the Nightmare before Xmas. if you apply these to the two slit experiment and the multiple universes hypothesis you can get some really strange thoughts going. heres a link to the double slit experiment.