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  1. BongJuice

    What would you do if someone broke into your house and stole your harvest?

    I actually know someone that this happened to just recently. To top it off he knows who did it. What would you do?
  2. BongJuice

    Closet Grow 3x3

    You need constant fresh air entering and exiting the grow room. Plants are constantly transpiring water into the air. The need to exhaust the room is absolutely pertinent.
  3. BongJuice

    How big does my growroom need to be for 6plants?

    If you're looking for the most yield and the least amount headaches. Grow in soil.
  4. BongJuice

    Pepetual grow w/mixed lights. Need some input

    Start flowering when your plants are only 8-10 inches tall. You'll be able to fit more plants under the light footprint. By the time they're at peak height they'll be around 28-32 inches tall. You'll still get at least an ounce per plant.
  5. BongJuice

    How many of you are at work

    I wish I had a desk job.
  6. BongJuice

    I need soil help

    You don't want your soil to be too rich when they're small. I use a basic potting mix that I buy from one of the hydro stores that I go to for vegging. Once they've established a good root structure I transplant them into a much stronger soil. Like Foxfarms.
  7. BongJuice

    please read my help post

    If you're not a do-it yourselfer kind of person, then you're gettin into the wrong hobby. Try fishing. :mrgreen:
  8. BongJuice

    age old r u?

    older than you
  9. BongJuice

    please read my help post

    I wouldn't trust any retailer when it comes to growing. I've been to dozens of different hydro stores and they're all the same. They all try to get you to buy their top shelf products. My advice, do some research before going into those stores.
  10. BongJuice

    is a digital ballast worth it???

    To me it's "New Technology" still. I'm waiting until mostly everyone has one before I'm sold on them. I just got rid of my cassette tapes a couple years ago.:mrgreen:
  11. BongJuice

    7 weeks flowering, couple questions(pics)

    The window to harvest is usually only a week for peak potency. Get a handheld microscope and look at the trichomes if you're shooting for peak potency.
  12. BongJuice

    What Ever happen to Those RIU people ?!?!?

    I come-n-go all the time. Sometimes I'll go weeks or even months. I think it's because I get bored with the same topics of discussion.
  13. BongJuice

    Joy of the Joint

    You asked. I suggested. Does it work? Yes. Ask the Canadians, cuz that's where I got from. I thought it was stupid when I first heard it. But when I tried it, the high was just like smokin a philly. Do what you want.
  14. BongJuice

    Joy of the Joint

    When it's sticky, mix a tiny bit of tobacco in it.
  15. BongJuice

    Is MJs personal physician a murderer?

    If it was anybody else, that Dr. would just be sued like every other doctor.
  16. BongJuice

    (Hydro innovations ice box) Opinions?

    That system is meant for the millionaires club.
  17. BongJuice

    Reduce space suggestions

    Growing in a small closet can be a real pain in the ass. With the dimensions that you've provided, the only thing I'd use that space for is to dry my harvest. Is there a way you can drill a 4-6 inch hole in the wall or ceiling for an exhaust. Plus you'll need an intake, but you could just...
  18. BongJuice

    Purple Kush CFL Grow..ADVICE NEEDED

    I've seen this growbox under a different name, I'm not sure who. Why???
  19. BongJuice

    Check out! My Circus Tent!

    I think I've been in your grow room. Not sure though, but it looks awfully familiar. I know alot of growers. BTW, Nice ladies. :-P
  20. BongJuice

    what size/type lights to use for my mothers

    You can keep 2 - 24 inch moms very happy under a 2 foot 4 bulb T5 light fixture.