please read my help post


Well-Known Member
hey bro!! you gunna hafta giv up info on yur thread for us to help ya!! what are they tryin to sell ya and for how much!!?? or whateva the story is!!


Active Member
sorry i posted this long story in toke n talk tittled over here need help. to long to rewrite sorry guys hope you can go read it thoe thanks


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trust any retailer when it comes to growing.
I've been to dozens of different hydro stores and they're all the same.
They all try to get you to buy their top shelf products.

My advice, do some research before going into those stores.


Active Member
will have no problem working once its up and going was going to buy a bcn bloombox but heard i can have a mini room for way cheaper so hydro guy says for 900 he will build me a room in a room 900 for everything but seeds and water


Active Member
im in apartment so want every thing to be carbon filter tight dont wanna biuld myself a room and make mistake to end up in a room i cant leave.


Active Member
You do realize that someone besides you will know you're growing right? You're breaking the number one rule of growing. My brother turned me onto smoking 30 years ago, we still smoke together but he'll never know where I get my weed from.


Active Member
its medical so its legal i have my card my girl has hers so im not worried if the man who works at the hydro store knows i grow. feel me