Reduce space suggestions

Second post over here, first one was on the welcom thread.

I will to start my first grow soon and i'm trying to find a way to take advantage of my limited space.
My closet size are 59x57x1,56 all in cm (something abou 23x22x61 inches).

I had thought to try a vertical growing system that i saw in another forum but don't know if its possible in the space that i have.

SOG and SCROG are already discarded maybe when i get some experience.

All advice is usefull.



Well-Known Member
Growing in a small closet can be a real pain in the ass.
With the dimensions that you've provided, the only thing I'd use that space for is to dry my harvest.

Is there a way you can drill a 4-6 inch hole in the wall or ceiling for an exhaust.
Plus you'll need an intake, but you could just leave the door open a crack for that.
With the width and depth being less than 2 foot, you're gonna have trouble finding a decent light
that will fit in there, unless you grow with small fluorescents.

Doesn't sound like a good idea.
Back to the drawing board. :weed:


Active Member
Second post over here, first one was on the welcom thread.

I will to start my first grow soon and i'm trying to find a way to take advantage of my limited space.
My closet size are 59x57x1,56 all in cm (something abou 23x22x61 inches).

I had thought to try a vertical growing system that i saw in another forum but don't know if its possible in the space that i have.

SOG and SCROG are already discarded maybe when i get some experience.

All advice is usefull.

I would suggest using LST, which is tieing or pinning your plants down. This keeps their height under control. Your area isn't too much smaller than mine (I think i have 20" x 26" floor space but probly about 7 foot height). I have a 600W and 250W HPS in there, with a 400W on the way to replace the 250. You'll need plenty of ventilation for heat removal, but I can easily flower 6 plants at a time in this little closet. Good luck


This is inside my 15 inch house speaker box. eventually going to move one plant into the other speaker. LST as well. what ya think :weed:
They look very nice dude! Its a good evidence that you can get something to smoke from every single place.
Good luck with that!

For my closet i will use a 250w HPS. Its giving me trouble the ventilation issue but im going to figure it out somehow.
Any of you did have ever try using CD's as reflection source, i have a lot and maybe they work good.

Nothing further by now..i cant wait to get those seeds and start once and for all.


They look very nice dude! Its a good evidence that you can get something to smoke from every single place.
Good luck with that!

For my closet i will use a 250w HPS. Its giving me trouble the ventilation issue but im going to figure it out somehow.
Any of you did have ever try using CD's as reflection source, i have a lot and maybe they work good.

Nothing further by now..i cant wait to get those seeds and start once and for all.
yea thanks! its been goin pretty well. they were in some plastic cups and after a month, out grew em. the leaves had started to get horrible brown and curl up. didnt realize the roots had no more room. so once transplanted its been beautiful =]] these here r now stage 2 of my LST. :joint::shock: very soon going to have individual boxes