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  1. BongJuice

    My first grow any suggestions?

    Nobody wants to waste their time, energy, and money only to find out that you've got males. Getting males in your garden is all part of the game, in the beginning. The trick is to get one healthy female and to keep it as mother. Then to just take cuttings off that mom, So you know for sure that...
  2. BongJuice


    I was thinking about buying a small one so I can put a plant on my desk, not weed. Just thought my desk would more personalized if I added a tiny home made aeroponics plant on it. I figured, hell if my secretary can have a gold fish, I can have a plant. :razz:
  3. BongJuice

    HydroGuard vs Hydrogen Peroxide??

    They stopped selling HydroGuard. I just found this out the other day. I really don't care why, I'm just pissed because I wanted to start using my EZ cloner again. I stopped using my EZ cloner about a year ago. Well I want to start using it again and I know I can use Hydrogen Peroxide. I'm just...
  4. BongJuice

    which do clones root faster in hydro or soil?

    On the back of the bottle, it shows exactly how much to mix. Get a quart for vegg and, Get a quart for bloom. Mix it in your resevoir. Every week change out the resevoir. Depending on what type of hydroponic setup you're using will determine on when to water. It's that simple. I don't know...
  5. BongJuice

    Spiders... Good or bad?

    Any reputable indoor grow shop sells ladybugs. I can buy a 1000 of them for $10.
  6. BongJuice

    My first grow any suggestions?

    I think this is the best "First" grow I've seen on here in long time. Your doin something right, keep it going.
  7. BongJuice

    which do clones root faster in hydro or soil?

    You don't need a reason from me, I'm not gonna steer you wrong. Obviously you need much more education in horticulture. Buy a book.
  8. BongJuice


    At the time I swallowed a hot ash. :-P BTW. No need for name calling.
  9. BongJuice

    male or female after flowering to show sex

    For now, I'm enjoying watching Pittsburgh kick the shit out of Washington.
  10. BongJuice


    You'll have to redirect your question to someone who is in command. Honestly I don't give a shit about your problem. This is in the wrong section.
  11. BongJuice

    male or female after flowering to show sex

    Switching them back to vegg is a great way to turn them into males.
  12. BongJuice

    water and nutrient and ph question

    Do a soil runoff PH test first. You won't know how to adjust your nutirents ph, until you test your soil first.
  13. BongJuice

    Talking to your girls.

    I don't talk to my plants. I throw some Jethro in, and I sing to them. :blsmoke:
  14. BongJuice

    which do clones root faster in hydro or soil?

    Keep using Tap water. Tap water (My tap water) usually has at least 300ppm's of nutrient already in the water. Which is all I use when I'm cloning for the first week. Then I'll add about 200ppm's of Olivias cloning solution. Once I can't count how many ladder roots there are, which should look...
  15. BongJuice

    whats going on!!!???

    It's not the type of pot you have that might be the problem. It's the size of the pot. Your plant's roots are not long and strong enough to take it in the available water that is now sitting on the bottom. Repot your plant in something much smaller, until it grows much stronger roots. Then...
  16. BongJuice

    which do clones root faster in hydro or soil?

    The title to this thread and your actual question are 2 different questions. But I'll answer both. Taking a cutting off a plant and throwing it into an EZ Cloner should root within 7-14 days. Using an EZ Cloner is aeroponics which is hydroponic growing. Clones root faster hydroponicaly...
  17. BongJuice

    male or female after flowering to show sex

    You should keep your dog as far as possible from your plants. Dogs tend have all kinds a tiny critters living in their fur. Also dogs get into shit outside. They could get pollen on themselves, and turn all your plants into males.
  18. BongJuice


    The window of harvest is determined on what the trichomes look like. Get yourself a scope, unless you have Superman eyes.
  19. BongJuice

    male or female after flowering to show sex

    Your temps during the day should be around 26-27, at night 20 is fine. But don't go lower than that. If your able to, get yourself a digital thermometer that reads farhenheit. Farhenheit is more precise. Just make sure that if you have any fans in the room, that they turn off as well. Keep...
  20. BongJuice

    Short n' Bushy

    This thread is 2-1/2 yrs. old.