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  1. BongJuice

    Is there any forsure way to turn a female herm?

    Yes there is, like stressing the shit out of it. Plants are a living thing. If they start to feel as though that they might die, they'll produce seed.
  2. BongJuice

    any farmers out there

    My mother used to send me and my brothers out to my uncles house every summer for a few weeks. That last time I was there was like 25 years ago. Mostly from what I can remember, It sucked. My uncle had over 50 cows, chicken's and pigs. It was alot of hard work, I always came home smelling like...
  3. BongJuice

    Best Soil Nutrients?

    The best nutrient may be the best for some, but not for all. I use the Advanced Nutrients 3 part system. I think the this 3 part system fits my needs just fine. I can buy this 3 part system in gallon containers for about $100. I can grow 2 harvests from clone to bloom with just this 3 part...
  4. BongJuice

    new grows!!

    They look healthy. Very innovative, using that 2 litre. :-P
  5. BongJuice

    ultimate grow room

    15 grand will give you nice size garden. How many plants do you wanna grow? Do you want have seperate rooms or cabinets for the different stages of growth? Like a Mother room, Vegg room, cloning room, Blooming room, and a drying room. Once you can figure out how much you wannna grow every 4...
  6. BongJuice


    Step 1. Go buy Jorge Cervantes grow DVD. Learn from a pro, is my advice.
  7. BongJuice

    Too good to be true?

    Well I looked at the pics on that grow you posted. He did a very good job IMO. That's gotta be the first time I've ever seen buds that size from a CFL grow. But then again those pics were when they were wet. Which IMO means only something in a magazine. That grow journal should be a very good...
  8. BongJuice

    Most Profitable Strain for Indoor Grow

    I'm a firm believer that any strain can be a top performer. It all has to do with your growing technique.
  9. BongJuice

    Growing strategy Soil/Hydro ?

    Have you ever grown cannabis before? Who told you that growing hydro is easy? Well, they've lied to you. The only thing that might be easier about it is the fact that you don't have to physically water your plants when growing in hydro. Your hydro setup should already be hooked up to an...
  10. BongJuice

    Too good to be true?

    Looks like a good buy if your only gonna use them for vegging. You'll need at least 30,000 lumens to grow some dank. But if you like ghetto weed, then bloom with those.
  11. BongJuice

    1ST Grow, how much longer till harvest???

    First of all the, the color of the hairs have nothing to do with when to harvest. Get yourself 100X handheld microscope and look at the trichomes. The color of the trichomes is when you harvest. A clear trichome is not yet potent yet. A cloudy trichome will give an energetic heady high. An...
  12. BongJuice

    Electric Setup Made Simple???

    People everyday hook 20 even 30 amp breakers. That's all you need. Any electrician will do it for about $200 plus parts.
  13. BongJuice

    Electric Setup Made Simple???

    Most houses have 110v electrical outlets. Which are wired to a 15amp breaker. Most breakers only use 80% of their load. So if this your case, a 15 amp breaker will actually only be able handle 12amps. If your grow room outlets are going directly to one 15 amp breaker. Then you'll roughly be...
  14. BongJuice

    Male, Female, or...?

    You see those amber/clear little balls in your soil. They've got some slimey shit in them. Those are snail eggs. This is another reason why should buy good soil. Generic brands of soil, including Miracle Grow tend to bring little critters and bugs to your grow area.
  15. BongJuice

    cardboard growbox

    A buddy of mine took an armoire, alot like this one. He hollowed it all out, so when you open up the two doors, he's got 2 nice size plants in there. It's a very innovative design. I wish I had pics of his setup, but he's extremely paranoid. I'm the only one that knows about his grow.
  16. BongJuice

    C02 Question

    This is the Co2 meter that I use for my grow area. It's very difficult to judge how long and how much Co2 to pump into you grow area without some type of meter. I think I paid like $200 for this meter off of Amazon. It's well worth the investment. It takes a little bit of tweaking here and...
  17. BongJuice

    Perpetual Closet Grow

    I'm glad to hear that your fem seeds worked fine for you.
  18. BongJuice

    can i use MH for blooming??

    If I listened to every Tom, Dick, and Jane on here, I'd never get the excellent quality bud that I get, Time and time and time again. Most of people on RIU that grow, are full of shit & don't have the faintest idea on what the hell their doing. From what I've seen on here in the last 18 months...
  19. BongJuice

    need help choosing a strain

    Ok' I'll take a stab at it. First of all, your tent will be able to hold 4 very healty plants. Due to your height issues, you'll only be able to grow a 3 foot plant. Your pot will be about 1 foot tall. The light refelector will be about 3 inches away from the top of tent so it doesn't burn it...
  20. BongJuice

    grow bags and clones just a couple questions +rep

    I understand what you're saying about punctuation and all that shit, but you have to give all us potheads here some slack. If you can't read it, then maybe you've got the problem. Maybe you're not high enough. Cuz, I read it fine. With no problems. ******************************** My advice...