
Im Trying to grow indoor weed for personal usage. Is possible to tell me a list of all the item i need to grow my plant? Also step by step on how to grow indoor weed.

Thank in advance :bigjoint:


Active Member
well im not gonna step by step it for you but heres some rules and such

3000 lumen per sq ft of floor space min for healthy plants. and more lumens is better. (thats 2 26w CFL per sqft minimum) (if u use cfl that is)

you will need dirt, (start in soil move to hydro later if u want but start in the shallow end) try to avoid ANYTHING that has the words maricle grow on the package, dont get anything with time release fertalizers. those release at random times, and growing indoors youll be adding ferts of your own, these conflicting times can cause fert burn, and its just best avoided.
look at the dirt and soil recipes here on RIU and use one of those.

you will need a ph test and adjustment kit, if u have to use plain tap water leave it out over night to allow the chlorine to escape.

plan ahead you will need a cool air inlet near the bottom of your box, and a hot air exhaust near (if not at) the top. your trying to avoid temp fluctuations.

the more reflective your walls are the more efficiently your light is being used.

you will need a fertalizer of some kind, again avoid maricle grow (it has dyes and flavoring agents that make weed taste chemicly and peppery)

you wont need to worry about odor controll till after u switch to flowering (normaly)

its good to start small, dont let yourself get overwhelmed, 4-10 plant is plenty to start with

if you dont get femed seeds, your odds are basicly 50\50 male\female and if you only plant 1 or 2 you can get both males, hell i got 5 males in a row once.

find a space YOU controll, somewhere nobody will notice you spending alot of time, descreipt locks are priority number 1, a lock looks suspicious, but if it just seems stuck...

ok theres a start


Well-Known Member
Hey DRZ there is a thing called search, try it

There are so many journals on this site you can browse through with tons of great and not so great knowledge

Good luck on your grow, the only thing you need is desire and take it from there


Active Member
Oh and the only other thing you need to know is never tell anyone you grow !!!
yessir that's rule number 1.but u should go to ebay.buy a complete grow box(everything included,lights etc),get sum miracle gro soil that auto feeds.do a quick search on how to grow n give it a try.peace