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  1. BongJuice

    I have a lizard living in my plants!

    Nope, I still don't get it. It must be this very fine hash i'm smokin. MMmmm yummy. :bigjoint:
  2. BongJuice

    How often to change res?

    You need a TDS (Total Dissolved solids) meter when doing hydro. This checks to see the PPm's of how much nutrient is in the water. Everytime you feed, the PPms go down a little at a time. Once they get below the desired reange that your plants should be getting at that stage, you should change...
  3. BongJuice

    CLONES healthy?????

    It's normal.
  4. BongJuice

    How often to change res?

    Your Ph may be fine. But thats not why you change the resevoir, You change it to get rid of the salt buildup and to add more food. You shouldn't let your resevoir go longer than 2 weeks. I hope you have a TDS, EC, meter if your doing hydro. You can't just wing it, when your growing hydro.
  5. BongJuice

    I have a lizard living in my plants!

    I don't get it?? What's the point? Lemme take another toke. Nope.... I still don't get it.
  6. BongJuice

    Leaves show burn spots??! Help please. PICTURES

    What's the Ph of your soil runoff?
  7. BongJuice

    Do you vent every light, or the room as a whole?

    I take it your assuming that my theory is both 600 watt bulbs are sitting next to one another. I have a very large grow room. So when I give off my theories, I think of my grow room.
  8. BongJuice

    Mynorthern Lights seems to have these white hard balls growing on the bud?

    Just like pipe said, it's the calyx swelling. Time to harvest.
  9. BongJuice

    Leaves show burn spots??! Help please. PICTURES

    Whats the runoff at?
  10. BongJuice

    First Grow and Baffled

    They could be mutants
  11. BongJuice

    My First Baby

    It's not good for the plant. That's a good way to stress your plant out. If your curious about the sex, just take a cutting. Root the cutting, then throw it into bloom. You'll know what sex it is in just a couple of weeks, and you won't disrupt the alleged mom or dad.
  12. BongJuice

    My First Baby

    Maybe that's your problem. Smoking and growing can lead to dead or sick plants. I know quite a few growers, and most of them can't grow for shit. It's mostly due to the fact that they're high all the time. Having a fantastic garden that constantly produces dank bud harvest after hatvest...
  13. BongJuice

    Dude! outdoor flowers late... flower late indoor?

    I am more powerful than mother nature. In my grow room I am in control, not mother nature. I decide when the lights go on and off I decide how much food my plants get. I decide how much Co2 my plants get. I decide when it's time for everything. When growing outdoors it's whole different...
  14. BongJuice

    Do you vent every light, or the room as a whole?

    So your able to subtract a 1000 from 1200. A 1000 watt bulb has to be further away from the tops of the plants than a 600. Which would only make sense to buy a cool tube light if wanting to grow with a 1000 watter. A 600 watt bulb doesn't create as much heat and can be closer to the plants...
  15. BongJuice

    Smokin Weed In School

    Another stoner idea.
  16. BongJuice

    Dude! outdoor flowers late... flower late indoor?

    Seeds that came off of an outdoor plant grow differently than if you took those same seeds and grew them indoors.
  17. BongJuice

    Transplanting stress?

    Don't do shit to it. Keep growing it as is. At harvest, dry it up and make hash.
  18. BongJuice

    Do you vent every light, or the room as a whole?

    It's only necessary to go with those lights that vent if you have heat issues with your light. But having a light thats not vented keeps the grow room heated. It comes in handy, especially when the temps outside are below freezing. I'd only get one if your thinking about get a 1000 watter...
  19. BongJuice

    NEW Stealth dresser grow!

    Looks like a pain in the ass. Why go stealth anyways? If your under suspicion that your growing, that's the first place I'd think I grow op would be. Might as well grow in the middle of your livingroom, and say it's a tomato plant.
  20. BongJuice

    Scientific proof that a ghetto (baking soda &vinegar) CO2 generator is pointless

    Your theory is wrong, and a complete waste of time. I know this, because I've tried it. As soon as my Co2 meter came in the mail. I messed around with it, by breathing onto it for about an hour. The Co2 ppm's only went up about 50 ppm's. When you exhale, your not only exhaling Co2, your...