Dude! outdoor flowers late... flower late indoor?


Well-Known Member
Alright My old man has been growing outdoors for years and he gave me some of his generations seeds and I am growing them indoors, 3 weeks into flowering...

He has mentioned how it pisses him off how they are not ready for harvest until late late late in the summer, I cant remember what month but maybe very end of septmeber.

Will this mean my indoor babies will take forever to flower,

I wouldnt doubt it seeing little little progress 3 wks in...

So am I looking for a late flower


Well-Known Member
Seeds that came off of an outdoor plant grow differently
than if you took those same seeds and grew them indoors.

Filla Kinex

Active Member
Seeds that came off of an outdoor plant grow differently
than if you took those same seeds and grew them indoors.
what is more powerful then mother nature? nothing! its not a hobbie its a science. its like baking a cake, you miss an ingredient or you bake at the wrong temp or to long you wont ever get what you want!


Well-Known Member
what is more powerful then mother nature?
I am more powerful than mother nature.
In my grow room I am in control, not mother nature.
I decide when the lights go on and off
I decide how much food my plants get.
I decide how much Co2 my plants get.
I decide when it's time for everything.

When growing outdoors it's whole different ballgame.
You rely on mother nature to do it's work.

Do an experiment.
Buy some seeds that have the exact same genetics.
Grow one indoors and one outdoors.
Your results will be different.


Active Member
maybe maybe not depends on if the plant is indica or sativa sativas take forever but outside you also depend on mother nature to change light schedule