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  1. P

    Need help wit LST and leaves Crispin

    Go buy some measuring spoons. You need to know the dosage that you're givingnyoure plants. For the meantime lay off the nutes
  2. P

    Reading the Trichomes - Time to start the flush?

    I grow in soil so for the first 3-4 weeks of the grow I don't add nutes, and also don't nute for about 3 weeks after I upcan. I've also followed riddles make it rain technique
  3. P

    Calcium and maganese deficiency?

    I wanna say magnesium or sulfer deficiency
  4. P

    clearly nitrogen toxicity..... but what now?

    There was no need for you to transplant it unless you needed to upcan. Lay off any nutes and just water like normal
  5. P

    Need help wit LST and leaves Crispin

    What's the npk ratio for your nutes and how often have you fed and at what dosage Actually I took another look at your plants and they are dark green I feel you might be on the borderline of nitrogen toxicity. As for the crispy leaves, if it's the old growth you're worried about, forget them...
  6. P

    Need help wit LST and leaves Crispin

    The reason for the lower budsite would be due to the apical dominance that cannabis exhibits. In essence it's a hormone thing that's the culprit and not a lighting issue
  7. P

    Auto searches (lengthy post)

    Assert your rights, there's a reason you have them...
  8. P

    Think i found a loophole That's from TSA, however you would be transporting an illegal substance across state lines and in the feds' eyes its still considered a felony. So I don't think you figured out a loophole at all
  9. P

    Reading the Trichomes - Time to start the flush?

    If you flush your plants, you're essentially robbing it of nutrients in a critical time of need. Read this And as for the Trichome thing look up some of rm3(riddleme) posts and his early amber strains a eye opener for sure. People...
  10. P

    Need help wit LST and leaves Crispin

    You don't have to spread your plant out in order for light to go thru the canopy. To your eyes you might see shadows as you look under your canopy, but the wavelengths that your plants need is naked to your eyes
  11. P

    Need help wit LST and leaves Crispin

    I don't understand what your problem is here. It's flowering, you lst when it's in veg man dont except a huge amount of growth when ur plant is tryna put out buds
  12. P

    First female plant, can I harvest her now?

    Try a staggered harvest But I'd wait. Those pistil need to receed a bit more
  13. P

    How much longer till harvest?

    Take a pic with the hps off
  14. P

    Reading the Trichomes - Time to start the flush?

    Flushing is pointless as well if you're worried about quality smoke and taste look into proper drying and curing methods
  15. P

    Canna using tips PLEASE

    @Sativied Is the (-) to exclude rollitup from your searches? lol
  16. P

    Canna using tips PLEASE

    Don't be offended but people get annoyed because threads like this come along everyday. There is a search feature (kinda sucks) but it'd help u a lot. If anything use google type in (type in what you're sesrching for)
  17. P

    Canna using tips PLEASE

    Read a grow book first. You have a lot of info to grasp How far Into flowering are you
  18. P

    Canna using tips PLEASE

    You shouldn't add nutes twice a day. Once a week would be sufficient unless you're seeing a deficiency Also why do you think you won't be able to use them?
  19. P

    DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

    Can you link or provide a study or proof that a non flushed soil will contain the harmful contaminants you keep mentioning? As far as taste and smoothness of smoke in my experience, all comes down you your curing process