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  1. P

    Where to store Cannabis outside of the house for never get busted again?

    You do know they can't go into your house without a warrant right
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    Where to store Cannabis outside of the house for never get busted again?

    Are you talking about dry herb or an actual plant
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    You can use some diotomaceous earth, spinosad, or neem oil
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    Whats eating at my plant?

    Since neem was brought up, I've read that you can mix it into your watering as well, has anyone ever heard of or done this?
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    First grow in need of opinions

    It's up to you really. I'm in containers outdoors, when you transplant to a bigger container scourge the rootball a bit. Make about 4 vertical cuts about an inch or so deep
  6. P

    help my poor sick baby!

    Looks like an iron issue If you fertilized you could have possibly caused a lockout of iron
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    Need help leaves dying!

    Everyone always screams out ph issue when they can't figure out what the hell is wrong with their plants. Soil is forgiving when it comes to "ph" it acts as a buffer, hydro is another story. SweetHayz is asking the right questions. If you transplanted awhile ago could be your plant is...
  8. P

    Seed not cracking.

    It's barely been 3 days man give it atleast a week.
  9. P

    WTH plz

    Not if he's flowering her. She's putting more energy into producing buds than roots
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    How to flush plants Outdoor?

    How is it not? Plants all use the same nutrients to grow, NPK.
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    How to flush plants Outdoor?

    Haha well with that mindset, do you think you ingest anything bad when you devour an apple or an orange that wasn't flushed prior to harvest?
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    hermie or swollen calyxes?

    Dang that's huge
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    How to flush plants Outdoor?

    You don't flush, it's that simple :)
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    LST advice?

    Now it makes sense I see what your intentions were, looking good!
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    please RIT Help.. what is this
  16. P

    24/7 how long is too long.

    That looks like very little growth for a month of veg
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    Have you seen something like this?

    What medium are you growing in
  18. P

    24/7 how long is too long.

    24/7 isn't norm no matter what in my opinion. Your best off doing16/8 or 18/6 in my opinion from the get go