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  1. P

    24/7 how long is too long.

    Have you ever gone 47-52 days being up for 24 hrs? Your plants need to rest just as much as you do. Look into 20/4, 18/6, or 16/8 cycles
  2. P

    What is the sex?

    Haha wtf is this thread about!?
  3. P

    clones week 2 plz help .any suggestions

    Go with 20-20-20 it's a general use formula as the ratio breaks down to 1-1-1
  4. P

    Plants leaves yellowing, help!

    I would think they'd be a bit bigger in a 5gal pot don't stress tho, you always run into problems your first grow Read this Don't buy into snake oils learn to read your plants and what makes them tick:weed:
  5. P

    Multiple critters on my flowers, arghhh.....

    Isn't neem bad to use when he's so close to harvest? I thought pyrtherin, spinosad, or BT is safe to use up until the point of harvest
  6. P

    Plants leaves yellowing, help!

    They look like 1gal pots from the pic. I'd go to a 3 gal pot
  7. P

    wrong ph, leaves are dying need help asap.

    I've never ph'd any of my water when I grow in soil and I'm yet to have an issue CUZ of it. Reason I told you to repot is because you mentioned the plant is a month old so I'm assuming it's been in the same pot for a month. Your nutes ran out in that soil, or the root system has out grown your...
  8. P

    too late to give feed?

    Without "chems" aka salts. Your plant wouldn't grow, honestly flushing is pointless IMO you mentioned you are in the final week so I take it you'll harvest soon?
  9. P

    please RIT Help.. what is this

    I honestly wanna say it's a molybdenum issue. Maybe rethink the nutes you're using
  10. P

    Plants leaves yellowing, help!

    That soil is not too hot. Repot with it and don't add any nutes for at least 3 weeks
  11. P

    wrong ph, leaves are dying need help asap.

    Dude you're growing in soil. That acts like a really good buffer you mainly pay more attention to ph in hydro or soil less grows. If the plant is a month old, have you up potted? Maybe you need to add nutes now
  12. P

    please RIT Help.. what is this

    How often r u adding nutes
  13. P

    LST advice?

    I begin to lst when my plants have about 4-6 nodes then I'll top them 3-4 weeks after I've lst'd. You don't want to do both at the same time since it'll induce a bit too much stress IMO
  14. P

    Chopping and trimming questions

    Qwiso is another name for it. You need a jar and some 91% isopropyl alcohol to make it kinda easy tbh
  15. P

    Chopping and trimming questions

    I havnt made ice hash tho I have been wanting to. I've only done ISO
  16. P

    First grow in need of opinions

    idk if you can burn ur plants with the cfl's but I'd dry the wet spots on them just in case
  17. P

    First grow in need of opinions

    Also if you want to see the sex of the plants you'll need to do 12/12 or you can veg for about 6-9 weeks and wait for the plant to show its sex based off maturity instead of photoperiod
  18. P

    best grow method?

    I'm unsure who you're referring to, but I'm not wikid lol
  19. P

    best reflector for 3x3 tent 600w

    Greners did a testing on reflectors. Here's the link But if you can control the temps, go open hood
  20. P

    Need help with room design

    Look into diffused lighting