Need help with room design


Hey all. About to start my room in a few weeks and want to make sure I can get the best use of space for my room. The dimensions are 5'-8" wide by 11'-6" long and 8'-7" tall. I will be running 3 8" magnum XXXL hoods with 3 1000 MH for veg and then 3 1000 HPS for bloom. I also will be using an ebb & flow 10 bucket system. The controller bucket will be outside of the room as well as the reservoir to help make more room and not get the res so hot. I have uploaded a picture of the layout that I am thinking about using to fit the lights and bucket but am needing help on placement of the 8" fan for the hoods with exhaust, 6 fresh air in, A/C and carbon filter. I plan on tying in the A/C exhaust to the 8" exhaust with a booster fan to help with the hot air. This is a built structure and I would like to keep it as quiet as possible and the least amount of holes for vents and the wiring.


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Look into using digital ballasts with a "dimmable switch." Presently using 400 watt with middle ballast set for only 200 watts. The ballast I purchased has a "super lumens" setting that takes the bulb up an extra 10%.

Right now, I'm in no rush so plants are growing on a total of only 1K and the room is 8'x25' x 10' high.

This grow the plants are vegging for 6 months waiting on cool weather in Oct.
When room goes to flowering room goes 3K HPS first 4 weeks...
Then a lot of light is used to get through density - 5K watts till harvest.

Looks like your set up is good and realistic.


Look into using digital ballasts with a "dimmable switch." Presently using 400 watt with middle ballast set for only 200 watts. The ballast I purchased has a "super lumens" setting that takes the bulb up an extra 10%.

Right now, I'm in no rush so plants are growing on a total of only 1K and the room is 8'x25' x 10' high.

This grow the plants are vegging for 6 months waiting on cool weather in Oct.
When room goes to flowering room goes 3K HPS first 4 weeks...
Then a lot of light is used to get through density - 5K watts till harvest.

Looks like your set up is good and realistic.
Damn sounds like yours will be monsters by the time you are looking to flower! So with the dimmable ballast it would be best to dim them down during veg and ease them into flowering by dimming them up to full blast? Or is the dimming just to keep the heat down till it cools outside then crank it up? Thanks for the tip on dimmable ballasts. I will definitely look into those once I can afford them.

Thanks for the comment on my setup. I'm not looking to get to crazy with it. Just want to get a nice amount and have them grow a decent size(5'-6') to fill out nice with as much light as possible.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Damn sounds like yours will be monsters by the time you are looking to flower! So with the dimmable ballast it would be best to dim them down during veg and ease them into flowering by dimming them up to full blast? Or is the dimming just to keep the heat down till it cools outside then crank it up? Thanks for the tip on dimmable ballasts. I will definitely look into those once I can afford them.

Thanks for the comment on my setup. I'm not looking to get to crazy with it. Just want to get a nice amount and have them grow a decent size(5'-6') to fill out nice with as much light as possible.
This grow will go over 5 lbs. I plan on starting a "Hash Bank" for my later years... I ain't never running out of herb again! lol

The dimmable ballast's are not that expensive... I just got a 400 MH/HSP dimmable with the Super Lumen feature to burn another 10% brighter for 82 bucks with shipping on Amazon.

I keep my lights down for a couple reasons.
1. Elec. bill
2. Less heat in summer
3. Not in a rush to get to flowering
4. Hitting each area with full power then dropping one area 50% at a time... Also simulates an overcast day for each area.


New Member
So how much light is too much light? I am setting up my room 12' x 12' with 9 - 600w lights using some cheap 6" hoods. Each light is designated to cover 4' X 4'. I am setting this up for my first large scale scrog. I am debating whether to purchase a hydroponic set up (DWC) to increase grow speed. I have dimmable ballasts, should I just dim them down until flower?


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Too much light becomes obvious when they turn white! They get so called "bleached." It's hard for me to say how much it too much. I can say I would be comforatable with 3 to 4 K that I could turn down with the dimmables during vegging and then blast away during flowering. Some would want more light still, and even more for others.