Need help wit LST and leaves Crispin


Well-Known Member
I tried LST today on my plant I tied all the colas down i n a circle with fishing line not sure if it looks rite or not I'll post a pic also on another plant I have leaves Crispin this is after I waterd with ff big bloom. I have this plant I started from seed on 12-12 n I lollipop it but its small not sure how long till its done let me know what u guys think thanks phones being gay I'll post pic in little bit


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what your problem is here.
It's flowering, you lst when it's in veg man dont except a huge amount of growth when ur plant is tryna put out buds


Well-Known Member
I did that to get light n that plant has only been in flower short time
You don't have to spread your plant out in order for light to go thru the canopy. To your eyes you might see shadows as you look under your canopy, but the wavelengths that your plants need is naked to your eyes


Well-Known Member
OK my one plant is tall but I got a ton of CFLs around it n the top center cola is growing nice but the lower bud sites arnt as nice or do u think they will get more to them it more time they been in flower 5weeks n 2 days still got like 3 weeks left I'm guessing thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
The reason for the lower budsite would be due to the apical dominance that cannabis exhibits. In essence it's a hormone thing that's the culprit and not a lighting issue


Well-Known Member
What's the npk ratio for your nutes and how often have you fed and at what dosage

Actually I took another look at your plants and they are dark green I feel you might be on the borderline of nitrogen toxicity.

As for the crispy leaves, if it's the old growth you're worried about, forget them just focus on the new growth your plant exhibits to see if you corrected the problem.


Well-Known Member
I am using big bloom I have no way to measure how much I use I useva cap full or 2 to a gallon of water and its mostly the older lower leaves but a few newer leaves are doing it also I don't have a way to check the pH in my water what would I need to fix the nitrogen toxicity problem there a hydroponic store near me if I need anything thanks buddy


Well-Known Member
Go buy some measuring spoons. You need to know the dosage that you're givingnyoure plants. For the meantime lay off the nutes


Well-Known Member
I got tiger bloom fertilizer lady said the ff soil only have fert that last like 2 weeks but idk I got it to see what happens andbi got 3 Aurora 3 gallon pots for my next grow I got delahaze was a free be sour d n dragon breath and the 2 other free bees Afghani reg hope 2nd time works out better thanks for help