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  1. P

    Choosing a Medium

    Without chemicals, your plant won't grow. Water,nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are all chemicals! Now do you mean to say that the soil you've tested is free of heavy metals? That I can understand. Plenty of people give the word "Chem" a bad connotation but that's not the case
  2. P

    Choosing a Medium

    I'm pretty sure you can have a build up of organic fertilizers as well if you give it enough time. Though it's much less likely to happen than synthetic ferts. My point is one isn't better than the other. If it fits your way of growing then kudos to you
  3. P

    Choosing a Medium

    I'm not missing the point just having a discussion and trying to broaden yours on what you think is all
  4. P

    Choosing a Medium

    Organic means carbon based, do you know what chemical means? Look at organic chemistry
  5. P

    Choosing a Medium

    Organic ferts give a plant an unusable form of nitrogen which the microbes in your soil breakdown and convert over into an inorganic form (usable) Organics are slow release fertilizers while synthetic ferts are readily available for your plants. Read this...
  6. P

    Choosing a Medium

    Foliage pro isn't organic and that's my recommendation for an alternative to your simple 3 part system. Your well known fact is the typical forum paradigm. Your organic stuff has chemicals in it, the water you use is a chemical itself. However the flavor you refer to is due to the curing...
  7. P

    Choosing a Medium

    You do not need to flush whatsoever regardless if you are using chemical ferts, he'll your organics have chemicals in them if they didn't, your plant wouldn't survive. I know you mentioned simple, but 3 part products sound far from simple. Mix some of this with some of that, just use foliage pro...
  8. P

    Choosing a Medium

    There's also no need to flush before the harvest. Since you're an organic grower to the core,I hope you don't flush, but flushing or leeching your soil won't do a damn thing since your nutes come from an organic source and you're less likely to have salt buildups whatsoever
  9. P

    Choosing a Medium

    I would avoid that three part system at all costs. Foliage pro is all you need. If you had the GH 3pary system I would toss their veg formula 2-1-6 (wtf?) and mix equal parts micro and bloom to end up with a 5-5-5 ie 1-1-1 ratio and use that all the way through
  10. P

    curing jar idea

    Build a kiln!
  11. P

    Getting ready to build my 1st room

    Why don't you just split it into 2 rooms? Simple veg and flower
  12. P

    Getting ready to build my 1st room

    2x4 frame is fine but I'm asking how big is your grow room going to be? R value is the capacity that the insulation has to resist heat flow. The higher the r value, the better the insulation
  13. P

    Getting ready to build my 1st room

    That's what I used to build my kiln but check what the R value of it is. I don't know how well the reflective material is tho. For my kiln the R value came out to around 7.5 I believe most housings use an R value of 13 for the walls. There's a pink one that's Xps foam board 4x8 and is 2 inches...
  14. P

    Getting ready to build my 1st room

    You're gonna want to do a few dry runs so you'll know the temps and humidity in there. You can always get a digital humidity/temp controller
  15. P

    Getting ready to build my 1st room

    Insulation for sure. Do you know the size of the room you're gonna build? I'd do the frame then fit the insulation in between and cover it up with some plywood and paint that flat white that has titanium dioxide in it for better reflection than Mylar.
  16. P

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Tips brown would be nute burn from what I can see the rest of your plant I imagine is a dark green?
  17. P

    2 1/2 of flowering and no white pistols

    Take a pic without the damn hps on so we can properly see What's going on
  18. P

    what do you guys think helthy or not?

    I see green leaves and a happy plant. Whatever your doing, keep it up
  19. P

    Choosing a Medium

    Do yourself a favor and pick up a mel frank book first
  20. P

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Can't see shit with ur hps on but from what I could make out, nute burn it is