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  1. gigabyteC2D

    Help please!!!my plants needs ur help!

    Pics would help, but I think that it sounds like your plants are under watered. When was the last time you watered them? I would not flush them, but this was what I have seen before in my own plants. In an hour they perked back up. If you just watered recently, it could be over-watered too. Put...
  2. gigabyteC2D

    Problem with my plants leaves have pics

    Looks to me as if it is option #3. If you have been giving nutes make sure to give them at 1/3 of the recommended strength. I am not sure about a pesticide, but marijuana normally would not be affected.
  3. gigabyteC2D

    First timer. What am i doing wrong? (pics)

    If there is any problem at all, I would just check the temperature at the top of the plant. What you described and what's in the pics looks like heat stress, and believe me, I know what it looks like since my female is just starting to recover. If the temp is over 80 degrees F, move the fan up a...
  4. gigabyteC2D

    Anyone help. brown spots

    Still looks like heat stress bro. Check the temps where the plant is closest to the lights, since that's where it will be hottest to the plant. If the temps are still cool enough there, you can rule it out and check for nutrient defs.
  5. gigabyteC2D

    NOT AGAIN!! Please help!

    Well I just flushed them, like 5 min before your post haha and now we'll see if it works! Other than that, can you think of anything else it could be?
  6. gigabyteC2D

    NOT AGAIN!! Please help!

    It's about 5.5 weeks old or so. I give it just enough water to come to the bottom, but that's it. I killed my first by overwater (LOL) so I am much more careful about it now. I have tried everything it seems, but nothing is helping! It is still growing though, which I find funny since some of...
  7. gigabyteC2D

    NOT AGAIN!! Please help!

    It has risen to 85 before, and I let the door open. I am using that MG Organic Shiet, and I have used a fert mixture only once. It was MG at 30% strength, and a TINY amount of boric acid and dolomite lime (to balance pH). I used this only once though! It didn't have an affect it seems. I let the...
  8. gigabyteC2D

    NOT AGAIN!! Please help!

    I am completely clueless now, and I fear that my plant is going to die if I don't fix this. My lights are a pair of 4 ft Flouros and 2 cfls, in room temp is about 80 degrees, plant on 2 day watering cycle. The "burning started woth the bottom leaves an went its way up, thought it was nute lock...
  9. gigabyteC2D

    PC Grow Box - Stealth-ish

    Hey all. I was looking for some feedback/recommendations on this setup I just made. I have 4 100W equivalent CFL's in there, with a combined output of 5200 lumens:hump:. Not nearly as high as it can go, but I felt that in a space of 2L X 1.5H X 10inW that it would do fine. Temp right above soil...
  10. gigabyteC2D

    This is my very first plant and I need help bad!!!!!

    Well, I just had this problem *I think* but I can't tell if it's the same one cause the lack of pics. If it looks like my picture, though, it was because of nutrient lock. That happens when you put too much ferts on, and the plant cannot absorb any of them. Also, there could be a pH problem, so...
  11. gigabyteC2D

    Please help!

    Well it seems to have been what the plant wanted! Now it's happy and regaining color, at least a bit. When I flushed it I also used a bit of Hydrogen peroxide to make sure I didn't suffocate the roots. I also bought some epsom salt and boric acid to make my new fert mixture cause I know the MG...
  12. gigabyteC2D

    Please help!

    Thanks a lot, I think this seems to be it too now, but one last question, how do I pH water? LOL I am a total noob...but I used distilled drinking water on the plant. That's the last thing I need to know and then I am off to the store to get the stuff to do it!
  13. gigabyteC2D

    What is happening to my young plants???

    Sounds like my problem, but different grow method. Check out the thread posted as"Please Help!".
  14. gigabyteC2D

    Please help!

    I did raise it a bit, about 2 more inches. Here is a picture, only about an hour an a half later. I also have noticed some salt like crystals on the top of the soil, does this mean it has nute lock-up? If so, how should I fix it? FUCK I am going nuts now. I don't want it to die!
  15. gigabyteC2D

    Please help!

    Well yes I can hold my hand on them, so they aren't that hot though I don't know what is too hot either. Now it's even more yellow, with more curling, and I am starting to worry. I saw somewhere that boron and magnesium defeciencies can do this, and my fert does not have either of those trace...
  16. gigabyteC2D

    Please help!

    The probe is about 5 feet away on the ground, should I move the plant a little bit away from the light to get rid of heat stress?
  17. gigabyteC2D

    Please help!

    Thanks for the quick replies. I do have a fan that is on 24/7 to keep it cool/streghten the stems, and I have the lights, well here's a pic. I actually sprouted the seeds in the soil, cause I have heard that a transplant can stress a new plant, and plus even when I tried that before with...
  18. gigabyteC2D

    Please help!

    Hello and thanks for looking. This is my second grow, the first one died of over-watering, but I have hopefully learned not to do that again. This one has been growing really fast and healthy up until a couple days ago. It first showed the notches on the sides of the leaves curling up, and now...