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  1. gigabyteC2D

    3rd Time Grower Seedling Problem! Plese help!

    Well, I had the same thing a little while ago. I bought some nicer seeds, (Sensi WW) only used a bit of superthrive, and I got yellowing ugly seedlings. I didn't use RW, but I used those biorootersand I have a 600W HPS with a digital ballast. After messing around with it, I found that my pH was...
  2. gigabyteC2D

    hydro help please, growing advice needed,

    Could you show me a link where I could see these drops/strips? My pH meter goes down to a reading of .01 and an accuracy of .005, calibrates the pH reading to water temps, and also shows EC and TDS, though if there is a more accurate way to get these readings I would like to see it. You are a...
  3. gigabyteC2D

    hydro help please, growing advice needed,

    I know that this probably has already been resolved and the topic is not the same, though I was just reading through this thread and I could not help but say something. I have used the stupid drops/strips for A WEEK. I didn't have the cash on me, but they are totally INACCURATE enough to use...
  4. gigabyteC2D

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    This is pretty awesome...thanks for the link. I was using CFL's for my first grow and what a pain it was. I could never get enough light. Now I have a 600W HPS/MH, though when I do a bigger grow some day a couple of these guys will be great complements.
  5. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    So, I thought I would share my grow with anyone who is intersted. I have grown soil before, and oh boy that was a hoot. I thought for a while about what I was going to do, and how, and eventually I came up with this. Here is my basic set-up: 1) I have three plants. To start, I have them in...
  6. gigabyteC2D

    man! flowering and my leaves look like shit! the problem most likely isn't your temps, pH, or your humidity. Optimally DWC works best when the pH is very close to 5.8, though it can be out of range a bit and you wouldn't really notice. One thing I do recommend is that you should switch to an HPS bulb if you can. It isn't the cause...
  7. gigabyteC2D

    man! flowering and my leaves look like shit!

    How long are you into the flowering cycle? What grow method are you using? There are so many things it could be...pH...ppm...temps...humidity...give me this info and I will try to help!!
  8. gigabyteC2D

    DIY 3 Gallon Rubbermaid DWC

    Well for a dwc you SHOULD reach harvest without changing the system. The 3 gallon size is what I am using and there is no problem with it. I recommend keeping at least one gallon of liquid in each tub, and possibly more if you have multiple plants per tub. I do a single plant per tub, and it...
  9. gigabyteC2D

    DIY 3 Gallon Rubbermaid DWC

    Well as for a pump, I would recommend getting as large of one as you can afford (they are cheap!) since as the roots are more oxygenated the plant will grow faster, larger and with better yeild. Here is a link to one that pushes a ton of air, and it is not much more than you probably spent...
  10. gigabyteC2D

    DIY 3 Gallon Rubbermaid DWC

    As far as I know, and from everyone that I know, the more air the better. The roots of the plants loooovvveee oxygen, and that's why all hydroponics methods grow faster than soil (there isn't as much oxygen in soil, lol). I am about to start a grow journal with a similar setup, though I am doing...
  11. gigabyteC2D

    Stealth grow setup! 1000W HID PPP Plants.....

    No advice??? Come'on, it will be fun to watch this shit grow! I think I am going to grow White Widow for the strain now....
  12. gigabyteC2D

    Stealth grow setup! 1000W HID PPP Plants.....

    SOOOOOO, This will be my second grow, and I am excited! My first was one plant that I grew to almost 5.5 feet tall in a closet (an unkown strain, mostly sativa). She didn't yield much, only a bit over an ounce, though it was KILLER WEED. Once I hot-boxed a bathroom with a friend using a gram...
  13. gigabyteC2D

    My kick ass 400w grow tent setup w/ waterfarm

    Just curious, why have there not been any posts in about a month? This thread is sooo interesting, and I like to see what happens because I may like to do it myself, or at least something similar!
  14. gigabyteC2D

    My kick ass 400w grow tent setup w/ waterfarm

    Hey I like the tent op you have in your place, I just sat here and read the whole thing in about 45 min...I am thinking about doing a hydro grow with a 400W HPS as well, but I was thinking that I'd do in in an old armoir that I have in my basement. It's about 3'X4'X7' so I figure I could get...
  15. gigabyteC2D

    Two things - Random yellow spots and advice on sexing/flowering *PIX*

    Well I didn't even think of that...I have flushed my plant's soil like twice now for various reasons, and never given anything back! I am going to foliar feed until I can water again. As for question #2, I was hoping to get some advice on when I should put the plant into it's flowering cycle...
  16. gigabyteC2D

    Two things - Random yellow spots and advice on sexing/flowering *PIX*

    So this is the furthest I have ever got before on growing, since I acidentally killed my first before it was a foot high. I am doing much better with this one, and I have learned a TON from all you guys at this website. So, now for the questions. I am growing in soil, and lighting is explained a...
  17. gigabyteC2D

    Heat stress, ph maybe? help!

    Yep, looks like nute burn. It doesn't seem that bad yet though, so you may not even need to flush them. It's probably a good idea though, but I would make sure to do it when your soil is almost dry to prevent overwatering. I actually am doing what groproforsho said rightnow as well, I am giving...
  18. gigabyteC2D

    What's wrong?

    Well I think it's a really good idea to switch to distilled drinking water, for one, the ph is usually close to 7, and two, it doesn't have the impurities or chemicals like clorine that plants hate. Also, your plants are still pretty young, and I would still wait before giving them any more...
  19. gigabyteC2D

    Heat stress, ph maybe? help!

    Well nute lock occurs when there are too many nutes in the soil, and then the pH goes out of range, and doesn't allow the plant to absorb them at all any more. Even if you only fed them a a couple times, the nutes may have been too powerful. I had this problem (at least it sounds the same; pics...
  20. gigabyteC2D

    NOT AGAIN!! Please help!

    Well I found out it was a combo of heat stress(the main factor) and a pH problem. I moved the fan to a better sopt, where it blows between the lights and the top of the plant, and I leave the door open a crack so the temp stays around 73 degrees. Before adjusting my pH it was like 5.9. Now it's...