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  1. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    Yesterday I started the first half of thier flush cycle. The first half consists of pH'd water with Sugar Daddy at a rate of about 6 tsp a gallon and Cal-Mag at 4 tsp a gallon. My overall ppm was 795, and the pH, of course, is 5.8. The second part will be of pure water at 5.8 pH and flora-kleen...
  2. gigabyteC2D

    White Widow issues 1st grow

    So I have grown a White Widow, 2 different phenotypes and I have learned a bit about them. For a WW to get that trulty 'white' bud, during later flowering try to have a temperature change of 10 degrees F (day/night). In my case, the indica predominant was more sensitive to nutes and heat. I am...
  3. gigabyteC2D

    experiment part 5

    I never doubted you know what you were doing, netpirate. I wasn't trying to get into ANYONE's business and I am sorry all! haha and I am thinking that post was aimed towards
  4. gigabyteC2D

    experiment part 5

    Haha well sorry if I came across that way, I am just trying to help you get a good harvest! There is sooo much to learn out there, and believe me, my 1st attempt was terrible. Anyway, good luck on your grow.:hump:
  5. gigabyteC2D

    experiment part 5

    Hmmm....Well I am sorry but also I am not the first to say it. Those are not flowers! The sex will be determined by whether it has pistils, or balls. Pistils are white fuzzy things and they tell you it is a girl. As for the lights, it would be fine for seedlings or clones, but think about it...
  6. gigabyteC2D

    experiment part 5

    Well, your plant's strain is not normally like that at all. I gad the same question, and I am sure the real problam is that you do not have enough lighting. A plant can look healthy, and just be reallllllyyyy tiny.
  7. gigabyteC2D

    experiment part 5 This is more what a plant that should look like. The stretching is NOT due to your strain, it is due to a lack of lighting. This is a picture of my plants when they were 2 months...
  8. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    The tub it is in is a 30 gallon resivior, and yes, it IS DWC. I would have gone aero, and I will next time, but a local hydro store screwed me over and I got stuck with some equipment. I really haven't had many problems at all with the DWC, and the growth rates were in fact real good. I think...
  9. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    I also forgot to mention before that I periodically trim the fan leaves so that more budding sites are exposed.
  10. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    I have been taking pictures periodically, and today I am going to upload them today. I had my nutes all the way up at about 1600 ppm, which may have been a bit too much because their tips started to burn. Also, I suspected a calcium/magnesium deficiency, so I have been adding cal mag after I...
  11. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    I think they are about 8 to 10 inches, which may be a bit far, though adjusting the lamp height is a BI%CH. So, yeah. The other news is that I have ramped up the nutes a bit, to 1350 ppm, and now after only about a day, they are really responding! I'll put some more pics up soon.
  12. gigabyteC2D

    Buds are stretching!!

    One thing that hasn't been asked yet is what type of light you are using? If you are using a 400W metal halide bulb your buds WILL BE STRINGY. Although MH bulbs are faster in veg, they make the bud light and airy as well. Get an HPS, and your issue will be somwhat better, though it may be a...
  13. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    Here are the pictures after the plants have been in thier flowering cycle for three weeks. The one on the right is the White Widow that looks to be a bit more sativa dominant, the middle is Blue Mystic, and the left is the WW that is more Indica dominant. At the start of flower I was going with...
  14. gigabyteC2D

    My first hydro grow, 600W HPS, White Widow, Blue Mystic

    So I know that I am a horrible about writing a journal, as I haven't posted at all since I started it. But after so long, I have been growing these plants since the start of October...2 months. On December 1st, I switched in flower. Nutes kept at roughly 1050~1070 since they were over 6 inches...
  15. gigabyteC2D

    1st grow - am I killing them?

    Hello. If this is DWC, which it looks like it is....then your pH is off. pH should be around 5.8, add or subtract .1 pH. It will be roughly the same for Aero too... It looks like you really need a meter, since from my own expereinces, a drop test kit will kill your plants lol. Look on eBay for a...
  16. gigabyteC2D

    3rd Time Grower Seedling Problem! Plese help!

    Are you planning on training those at all? Topping, LST? I have my plants about 6-7 in high, though they have about 10 growth tips each and are about 14 inches in diameter lol.
  17. gigabyteC2D


    Well I agree with most people on this thread, do not top it. From what I have been told and read, and through experience, you can start topping at the 4th true node through the 1st week of flower. Outside of that, you will stress her too much and growth will be impacted. As for your height...
  18. gigabyteC2D

    3rd Time Grower Seedling Problem! Plese help!

    That's great RedFox! It's good you caught it early, at least early enough. I must have, since I didn't flush or anything, though they came back and since my last post are growing like mad. Cheers.
  19. gigabyteC2D

    3rd Time Grower Seedling Problem! Plese help!

    Oh, and I was using a 24/0 light cycle just fine too.