Please help!


Active Member
Hello and thanks for looking. This is my second grow, the first one died of over-watering, but I have hopefully learned not to do that again. This one has been growing really fast and healthy up until a couple days ago. It first showed the notches on the sides of the leaves curling up, and now some more discoloration. Alos the larger leaves showed the signs first. I thought at first that it was underwatering, but I wasn't to quick to drown it. I am thinking now it's a nutrient problem, but now I am not sure. I have fed it some miraclegrow all purpose plant food only once, with correct ratio. Any help is greatly appreciated!

My soil: Miracle patio
Light scheduale: 16 hours a day by timer
Lights: a 4ft pair of flourescents (daylight)
Plant age: About 4.5 weeks
Watering: About every 2 to three days; when soil is dry.



Well-Known Member
Have you used the miracle grow soil from seeds? Also whats the temps like in there? do you have fans going? How far are those floros from the canopy of the plants? Usually when the sides of the leaves curl like that its usually heat stress, which would explain the slight burn spots on the edges as well. Are you using any sort of tin foil in your room? I would doubt that it would be a nute burn cause If you have used it since sprout it would have already showed, and you said they've been growing great... doesnt look overwatered. Hope this gives you some ideas. :joint:


Active Member
Heat stress from two 4' fluoros???
LOL!!! cmon I expect a lil better than that.

Look into your soil ph,,maybe add a lil dolomite lime
and some epsom salt to the water for starters.
Make sure your room humidity is at least 50-60%
too dry and you'll have problems.
I'll keep an eye on this thread,keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
no if the ph was wrong the tips edges wouldnt curl up like that if anything theyd curl under!plus some of the edges are burnt!so if hes been using nutes to could be a combination of both but i think its just heat stress.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick replies. I do have a fan that is on 24/7 to keep it cool/streghten the stems, and I have the lights, well here's a pic. I actually sprouted the seeds in the soil, cause I have heard that a transplant can stress a new plant, and plus even when I tried that before with tomatoes I sucked at it (lol). The temp in my room is not too warm, normally arourd 70-75 degrees. I am not suing any reflective material, but I was thinking that I might buy one of those shiny dash covers for your car. Any more thoughts?



Active Member
The probe is about 5 feet away on the ground, should I move the plant a little bit away from the light to get rid of heat stress?


Well-Known Member
i really think its just heat stress!which is strange considering the light your using,how hot is the light?can you touch it?


Well-Known Member
it really dont look like a ph problem but you can check that if you want to rule it out,if its ok then its definatly is heat stress imo.


Active Member
Well yes I can hold my hand on them, so they aren't that hot though I don't know what is too hot either. Now it's even more yellow, with more curling, and I am starting to worry. I saw somewhere that boron and magnesium defeciencies can do this, and my fert does not have either of those trace elements. My fert formula says it's 12%N, 4%P, and 8%K with some iron, manganese and zinc; does this sound OK?


Active Member
just raise the light a tiny bit if it is coz you want floros as close as possible.
I did raise it a bit, about 2 more inches.

Here is a picture, only about an hour an a half later. I also have noticed some salt like crystals on the top of the soil, does this mean it has nute lock-up? If so, how should I fix it?

FUCK I am going nuts now. I don't want it to die!



Well-Known Member
check the ph,the first pictures looked like heat stress but now there turning yellow aswell so now i reckon it is nute lock!check the ph to make sure!if it is flush with ph'd water then a few days later start feeding again!dont give full strength tho!and make sure the ph is right everytime you feed and water.


Well-Known Member
salt crystals means nute lock!you need to flush with ph'd water asap,3 times the capacity of ya pots!i.e 5litre pot=15 litres of water.


Active Member
Thanks a lot, I think this seems to be it too now, but one last question, how do I pH water? LOL I am a total noob...but I used distilled drinking water on the plant. That's the last thing I need to know and then I am off to the store to get the stuff to do it!


Well-Known Member
you can buy ph up or down or for a cheap fix some ppl use vinegar!make sure the next time you feed which wont be for a good few days you ph the water after youve added the nutes!5.5-6.5 ph is good,upto 7 is just about ok!


Active Member
Well it seems to have been what the plant wanted! Now it's happy and regaining color, at least a bit. When I flushed it I also used a bit of Hydrogen peroxide to make sure I didn't suffocate the roots. I also bought some epsom salt and boric acid to make my new fert mixture cause I know the MG stuff didn't have those 2 things before. I will post again tomorrow, and I hope to death things don't turn for the worst!

Thanks again!