This is my very first plant and I need help bad!!!!!


Active Member
This is my very first plant!!Everything was going great for about a month and all of a sudden the tips and the edges of my lower leaves have little brown spots on them.I looked around and tried to figure it out on my own but i'm way to confused.Can someone please give mesome advice on what could be wrong with my plant and how i can fix it??? Thanks


Well-Known Member
sounds like some kind of chemical burn, but I've never seen or heard of brown spots, sorry. try spraying your leaves with plain water after feeding/foliar spraying. it'll wash off excess from the leaves-wait till the leaves absorb the foliar spray first tho. if your problem persists, you should think about flushing and/or altering your nutrients.


Active Member
Well, I just had this problem *I think* but I can't tell if it's the same one cause the lack of pics. If it looks like my picture, though, it was because of nutrient lock. That happens when you put too much ferts on, and the plant cannot absorb any of them. Also, there could be a pH problem, so I recommend buying some distilled DRINKING (it contains some trace minerals still)water, making sure the pH is around 6.8-7.0. The fix I used was flushing the plant with 3X the pH'd water as the capacity of the pot, and then making sure it has drained ALL of the excess water out. Once the soil is dry again, water it with ONLY pH'd water for the next four times or so. After that, try only fertilizing it at about 1/3 of the recommended strength. Hope this helps! It made my plant come back but the brown spots wil never go away :(. P.S. this was an early pic so it doesn't show the brown spots so much.:hump: