Problem with my plants leaves have pics


Active Member
Hey so I have three possible problems that I have narrowed it down too i need your guys help to make sure which one it is. a) i put on a pesticide on two days ago and what I think is that the lights came on and burned the leaves using the pesticide. b) the nutes are burning the leaves. c) i have a mg def.

Please let me know what you guys think thanks so much.



Active Member
Looks to me as if it is option #3. If you have been giving nutes make sure to give them at 1/3 of the recommended strength. I am not sure about a pesticide, but marijuana normally would not be affected.


Active Member
Nutrient Solution Burn:
There's a good chance that this leaf was subjected to nutrient solution burn. These symptoms are seen when the EC concentration of hydroponic solutions is too high. These symptoms also appear when strong nutrient solution is splashed onto the leaves under hot HID lamps, causing the leaves to burn under the solution.
Many hydroponic gardeners see this problem. It's the beginning of nutrient burn. It indicates that the plants have all the nutrients they can possibly use, and there's a slight excess. Back off the concentration of the nutrient solution just a touch, and the problem should disappear. Note that if the plants never get any worse than this leaf (figure 3), then the plants are probably just fine. Figure 4 is definitely an over-fert problem. The high level of nutrients accumulates in the leaves and causes them to dry out and burn up as shown here. You must flush with clear, clean water immediately to allow the roots to recover, and prevent further damage. Now find the cause of the high nutrient levels.

jay cas

Well-Known Member
it mostlikly is not mg buildup. as stated in my canabible mg toxicity is rare and difficult assess with the naked eye. magnesium toxicity causes a difficiancy in calcium which is also hard to detect.
THC HEAD gave you a great minni blog and agree that it is some form of nute burn. depending on the pesticide and dose the plant recieved, could be the reason the plant is burning.
use a couple drops of a mild liquid soap any time you folliar feed or spray folliage. this will stop the water from beeding thus not allowing the water to magnify the light hitting the leaves. keep us informed.... best of luck


Active Member
thanks for the help I am beginning to think more and more that its a nute burn, the spray I used was mostly pyrethum and wsa pretty heavy duty. I don;t know still. I did added a new nute mix that day also that was a little on the high side at 950 for two week old plants but they seem to be rebounding now thanks for the help.