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  1. Tanis83


    well it's growing pretty big :D I can finally see the little vines it uses to cling on to stuff..... I'll have to watch it the next few days so it doesn't reach out and grab one of my plants :D I seem to be running outta room:( guess it's time for a new box :D!
  2. Tanis83

    hows they lookin?

    Thanks yeah I'm doing everything in this one little space.... lol I might end up having to change my fan position or even swap it out for two smaller ones *I can put them right under the canopy* yeah and the one that was dry as hell is lookin pretty fine right now.... I'm hoping I won't out...
  3. Tanis83

    prices of weed?....

    it's all about location location location.....
  4. Tanis83

    prices of weed?....

    Molson is American now :( and CANADIAN ALL THE WAY!....
  5. Tanis83

    prices of weed?....

    I pay $75 a half oz and $150 an O... $25 an 8th, $50 a Q I can get a qp from $400 and up depending on how good it is... ;) also from BC
  6. Tanis83

    little girls

    Hey all just wanted to post a 2 week update of my little girls.. let me know what you think *before and after pix*
  7. Tanis83

    hows they lookin?

    Purple Kush, Thia stick, and white rhino... suposedly I know that there is Purple Kush... that's the big girl in the back ;)
  8. Tanis83

    hows they lookin?

    ok so I was away for like 6 days and one of my plants was drier then dry... and I ended up having to chop some dead leafs.... but I watered it as soon as I got in and it's looking better now.,.... just wanted to know what peeps think of my little ladies... put them 12/12 just a could days...
  9. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    ok so yeah been like two weeks.... haven't posted anything lol... here some pix I had one turn male... and I was away for about 6 days.. and one of the otherones went really really dry so I had to chop some dead leafs. all in all I think they are doing good.... I know for sure one is female...
  10. Tanis83

    male or no male that is the question

    That's right..... I know that I shouldn't be able to see if it's male after only a month of life..... but as I have stated..... I'm going to be outta town for a few days..
  11. Tanis83

    male or no male that is the question

    yeah I wish I had a bit more time... but I leave tomorrow for a few days and don't want this little guy getting lucky with my ladies....... that is if it's a male... the little green things haven't grown any yet..... I'll check it near the end of the light cycle tonight.....
  12. Tanis83

    male or no male that is the question

    yeah it's got a few of them........ I'll move it out tomorrow if I see any more growth in them.....
  13. Tanis83

    male or no male that is the question

    coming up on a month.... this one got a little too close to my light so the top is kinda deformed and all the branches are startin to grow up reall strong like....
  14. Tanis83

    male or no male that is the question

    here ya go!!! edit: It's a nice strong plant... and I'm down to like 12 seeds total.... so I wanna get some more anyway...... but... I'm gone for a few days and I don't want this little bachelor to become a father of three whores lol... cause dem my bitches! ;)
  15. Tanis83

    male or no male that is the question

    Hi all.... Well tonight I was getting my plants all ready for this next week when I will not be around..... and I noticed these small little balls or leafs growing in the corner of my nodes..... now as much as I want the pollen I don't want it to pollenate all my plants while I'm away...
  16. Tanis83

    What is wrong with this picture?

    lol the question is when would you be able to afford the other????
  17. Tanis83

    HUGE newbie to growing?

    ^ Trust this guy he knows what he's talkin bout :D how many do you have planted in that little area?????
  18. Tanis83


    LOL so yeah going along with me not really thinking this through so much.... I ended up planting one... here's a pic of it.... I added some climbing space so it can grow up and have something to cling too without getting into my other plants. :D we'll see how it goes.....
  19. Tanis83

    first harvest! 1 white rhino

    nice man that looks really tasty :D +rep to you
  20. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    so what makes my plants look so stressed?.... the light was getting a bit close... so I moved it away..... I don't think they look stressed really... a little bit but not much (restricted in the amount of space I gots)