What is wrong with this picture?


Well-Known Member
just watered them using my tea.... they look no different then the other day.. not looking any better or worse


Well-Known Member
im going to get some nutes this next pay day... i was told that I should get some 10-10-10 ... what do you recommend? websites, brand names, strengths?


Well-Known Member
Well it depends if you want to go with chemical or organic nutrients....which way do you want to go?????


Well-Known Member
i prefer to keep it all organic... even if it cost more... this is for a soil grow... my next grow is prob going to be a hydro grow...

I have never boughten nutes before...


Well-Known Member
Good , Hydro is my game , but I have grown in soil too, I use botanicare nutrients.....get on line and find the best nutrients that you can afford....don't use anything like miracle gro or shultz......they are really easy to burn your plants with....I really like the botanicare pro grow line , so check into those....hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
PH, PH, PH..... what PH is your water??? At least give em 6.0-6.5 ph water, or they won't have a chance.... Looked through didn't see any mention of ph......


Well-Known Member
Yeah well it's i'ts not a nute lock out from a high ph as small as these plants are,,,,,and the ph for soil needs to be 6.8 ....you can't tell him to water with 6.0-6.5 water untill you know what the runoff ph is.......the run off may be 4.0 or 7.9 so you have to adjust the ph of the water to suit this...


Well-Known Member
i dont have a ph meter... Ill deffiently be buying a ph meter, correct cfls, and nutes this week....

let me get this straight... i need to water the plant and test the water thats running out of the bottom ... get this ph level.. and then go from there?

EDIT: there are no grow shops of any kind around here... just your normal stores that have monopolized the globe


Well-Known Member
go to walmart or your local pet store ad get a ph test kit , you can get these for about $5.00......check the water that comes from the bottom of the pot and let me know what it is....


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow night I will order the "all natural foxfarm organic 3 pack fertilizer nutrient" package from HTG ebay store.

I also see a cool looking "Milwaukee pH600 Digital pH Tester/Meter/Pocket/Pen" that im considering buy.... its 25$

My question is... should i get a soil or water ph tester