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  1. Tanis83

    day 58, almost ready to chop?

    lol coming from a noob that has cut his plant early.... wait.... not that the weed doesn't get you high.... but.... wait a little longer and it is WAY BETTER!!!
  2. Tanis83

    growth of my hopeful little girls

    ;) oh I will..... it just takes so dam long!!! LOL
  3. Tanis83

    growth of my hopeful little girls

    purple kush and Northern Light and white rhino I think...... I'm gonna veg them til for a few more weeks then flip them over 12/12.... I'm limitted in height so.....
  4. Tanis83


    lol I didn't even think it through that much... just had some extra space *for a little while* wanna try it out... gonna start all my veggies in my room this next year can't wait!
  5. Tanis83

    growth of my hopeful little girls

    Just want to see what everyone things of my baby girls 10 day growth...... I've added a close up of one I topped.
  6. Tanis83


    I was just wondering if anyone has grown cuccumber in there rooms yet??? I'm thinkin of trying snap peas as well....
  7. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    here's a 10 day update of my babies :D
  8. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    ok so yeah here are some updates..... plants look alright two of them have some yellowing leafs but they seem really healthy.... here's a pick of all of them... as well as a close up of one I've topped.... these stocks seem pretty damn thick. I'll be topping all of them in the next little...
  9. Tanis83

    Lamp switch???

    for an HPS you'll have to fork over some dough... but it is definately worth it
  10. Tanis83

    wierd shizzzz

    that better? nothing is wrong there are just branches growing from places I've never seen them grow before.
  11. Tanis83

    Lamp switch???

    if your going for high pressure you should opt for like a 150 HPS... but you would need the ballast and wire and shit...... that one you put up would probably need a ballast as well...... do you have a thermometer in your room>???? how big is your closet?
  12. Tanis83

    How big do yours get? Start 12/12 tonight!!! Pics included.

    it all depends on a number of different things..... the amount of airflow in the grow area... they types of light used.... soil and nute play roles.... my first plant I had it vegging for like 3 months... was only using 4 floros on it though..... learned that lesson quick and got an 400watt...
  13. Tanis83

    changing times

    Hello all in the land of RIU I've got a question that I've been thinkin bout and readin bout on this forum..... now when changing from 18-6 to 12-12 do you just change the light cycle?? does that not stress the hell outta your plants? should you not gradually do it over say 2 weeks...
  14. Tanis83

    exhaust and intake

    Here are my exhaust and intake... they work pretty well.... keeps the heat down....
  15. Tanis83

    wierd shizzzz

    ok so yeah... I'm sitting there lookin at my babies... sending them mental energy to make them grow faster... LOL...... and I take a closer look and there are branches growing outta places they shouldn't be growin........ I look over at my other plant the one I know is a different strain...
  16. Tanis83

    how long should i let the tap root get b4 i put it in soil

    I'm with ya on that one!!! I'm a patient guy... I can wait the 5 days to see something happen.... but I can't wait the months it takes to have it all finished!!!!:'(
  17. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    you need intake and exhaust.... ok.... first... the light you have in your area is going to heat up... anything over 30C and your plant stops growing..... second... your plant need carbon dioxcide.... it's the food besides the nutes you feed it.... no when plants breath carbon dioxcide.. *oh...
  18. Tanis83

    how long should i let the tap root get b4 i put it in soil

    I've started all of my plants from seed... by putting them directly into soil... after 5 days I see the plant break the surface.... why do you need to put it in cleanex to see if it grows.... it's a seed... it's what they do lol
  19. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    my next set of 5 plants. and some bud shots of my last crop... a 12" and 14" plant... you guys make me envious.... I wish I could let my 400 watt out and grow more!!!! LOL
  20. Tanis83

    how come my seedlings keep doin this help plz

    Righto! I have just transplanted my plants they were in 1/2 quart pots... I would water them pretty much every day til the water was about 1/16th-1/8th inch in my water tray... mind you I have a 400watt hps that is 8" away from my pots.....