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  1. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    oops... lol no pix
  2. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    your using a NMH bulb arn't ya??? try using your HPS there maybe that will increase your growth.. as you can see from my pic here I bury my plant when I transplant to the first set of leafs... yours looks a bit stretched.. I've also posted a pic of my light and exhaust fan... as well as my...
  3. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    do you have your plant in a cabinet???? I've got a really reflective surface in my cabinet so all the light is used up... thicker stock equals a larger plant aswell.... how big is the pot you have it in now??? mine is aprox a gallon *4 litres* pot
  4. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    get your fan blowing a little on the soil... if it is mold it won't grow with that air blowing on it *it'll keep the first like 1cm drier then the rest* and get a humidity gauge... you want it to be around 50% while in bud and the closer it gets to crop you want it to dry out... How often...
  5. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    I've changed fans from two small table fans to that one and it made a HUGE difference are you transplanting your plant at all or did you start it in that pot??? I've transplanted mine 3 different times in the past month.... that could also have something to do with it when your plant...
  6. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    LOL here's another one for ya what kinda plant do you have like what strain.... I've got northern lights, purple kush and Thia stick grow'in
  7. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    like white on the top of the soil? I don't think that's mold... and if you have a fan blowing over the soil you will not have moldy soil.... do you know your humidity? yeah I got that Shultz stuff too... don't use it.... it's so easy to burn your plants... if your able to get some worm...
  8. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    I have a 400 watt HPS I've used one dose of nutes *cheap assed nutes that I'm not using anymore* alot of TLC to these little girls.... I'm in there everyday before work and I race home everynight to tuck them in before lights out.... how often are you watering your plant? heres a few...
  9. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    If you get nute lock or nute burn you have to flush like a mo fo..... say you water with 2 litres of water... well your gonna wanna take your plant outside or put it in a bath tub and throw like 12 litres through it...... keep watering til your water runs clear.... after that put it back in...
  10. Tanis83

    fox farm help

    from what I've read on RIU after 30 days of seeding..... you can start ferts I've read the info on the fox farm website too..... your just adding in extra nutrition to your soil... as long as you don't go overboard *use it ever other watering at 1/4-1/2 strenght* just keep an eye out for...
  11. Tanis83

    fox farm help ;) there ya go.... I've gotta find myself some fox farm ferts.... unfortunately though I live on an island so it'll be tough :( here's a pic of my ladies *planted Nov 27* If you don't have a fan on that plant get one on it soon as...
  12. Tanis83

    First grow setup + questions

    Missed the latest pic sorry lol for the double post
  13. Tanis83

    First grow setup + questions

    that smaller box you got is alright I've got a 30" x 30" x 4' box and yours is sitting around 27" x 31" x 4.5' I've got a 400 Watt hps I use for veg and flower....... here's some pix of my stuff... *more space the better.... just remember your plants will BUSH!* I started with 4 in here...
  14. Tanis83

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    I posted a few weeks ago but here an update on my cabinet. 30" x 30" x 4' tall....
  15. Tanis83

    growth of my hopeful little girls

    heres' an update of my ladies one turned male and some of the clones died alwell..... I don't think I'll have space anyway.... oh yeah they have been 12/12 for a week now
  16. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    nice they look good :D I just inspected all my plants today :D woot woot 3 females
  17. Tanis83


    LOL you weren't kidding they grow fast! here's my cuc again.... you can see the little fruit on the vine :D
  18. Tanis83

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    here's an update of my little girls... they have grown and finally shown sex woottty woo I like the ladies!!!
  19. Tanis83

    my finished setup

    ;) hey here's a way you can get more light in your little cabinet there if your staying with CFL's, and it's way cheaper, and easier then what your doing. I came across this a few months ago and whne I seen your thread...
  20. Tanis83

    so mad ... had to vent

    if you have the space to use a HPS it is WAY better to use and you can use it for all stages.... I used T5's my first grow..... I got about a 1/4 oz.... off my plant I grew for like EVER *honestly for like 6 months* now I have a 400 watt HPS in the same space... the last crop I got 2 oz off...