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  1. Tanis83

    Stealth Wardrobe Grow

    nice! yeah we got about the same about of space.... but yours look all high tech and store bought and stuff..... mine looks like a box.... :( no frills no gimicks :'( so depressing
  2. Tanis83

    To top or not to top

    LOL good drainage is a must!!!!!!! if you don't have good drainage how are your roots suposed to breath??? *yes your roots need air too* I use a soil mixture that is 40% sand, 20% that white stone shit *don't know the name at the moment&* and 40% compost. sand really really helps with drainage
  3. Tanis83

    How long can the weed last me? your thoughts

    the only thing I'd have to say and I've said it from the first post is to get more light.... ;)
  4. Tanis83


    lol yeah I only got the one in there.... I'm hoping I can just polinate it from male flower to female flower... hoping.... but I don't think the plant will really like fucking itself.... alwell
  5. Tanis83

    To top or not to top

    you don't have to put he worm casting into the roots... I sprinkle min on top of the soil... so everytime I water, the water has to go through the castings first..... or I do the tea and water it with that......
  6. Tanis83

    How much longer

    LOL, the bud will be bud.... it's bag seed could be good, could not... has it always been on natrual light? when did you start the plant?
  7. Tanis83

    How long can the weed last me? your thoughts

    are you going to get a "flower" bulb for the red spectrum that the plant uses for flowering?... you can make cheap reflectors... I made mine outta $10 in sheet aluminum..... if you go in the grow FAQ's they have a big section on flowering and the spectrum you should use... here's a...
  8. Tanis83

    Stealth Wardrobe Grow

    That's a dope cabinet!!! how big is the actual area you can grow in?
  9. Tanis83

    How much longer

    .. take a pic of the grow area... like do you have it in a box a cabinet?? under a light in the living room???? also the size of pot you have.... cause if your going for 10 days and your gonna leave it your gonna have to do something about watering.........
  10. Tanis83

    How much longer

    go to grow FAQ it takes 8 weeks atleast..... Longer dependant on strain, lights, water, nutes......... I turned mine to flower on the 30th and I'm not planning on even thinking about chopping til like the 2nd or 3rd week of march....
  11. Tanis83

    When to harvest(The beginning or end of a light cycle)

    lol LOL just like a pothead to leave it to the last minute ;) you can also like you know "search" the forums yourself... then you don't have to wait for all us lazy assed mo' fo's to get back to your puckass lol jk jk
  12. Tanis83

    How long can the weed last me? your thoughts

    I did floros for my first grow... and hps for my second... here's pix of my old plants vs now...*mind you experinece does a lot!* yeah yeah yeah my lights in the first grow were weak as hell I know....
  13. Tanis83

    When to harvest(The beginning or end of a light cycle)

    LOL I got no oppinion about the two days of dark.... to me it stresses the plants out.... as to the light cycle when you chop them... I don't think it makes all that much of a difference... when you cut it, it's still alive until it drys out... like roses or other flowers we chop and have...
  14. Tanis83

    To top or not to top

    try this for a tea next time you get a chance... 1/2 tea spoon glacier dust, 1/4 tea spoon of natrual ivory soap I think it is, half a cup of worm castings, and 1 table spoon of black strap molasses.... put it all in 1 gallon of water.... shake it up, let it sit for 24 hours..... *shake during...
  15. Tanis83

    To top or not to top

    I've got a few different mixtures that I use... ;) my mom is a master gardener I've got some lama poo tea brewing right now :D LOL
  16. Tanis83

    How much longer

    do you have any idea when you started it flowering???? from someone who has cut to early the last two times... WAIT!!!! you will get more buds in the last two weeks of growth... what kinda nutes you feeding it??? lol it's a toss up on flushing vs feeding nutes til you chop... some people...
  17. Tanis83

    To top or not to top

    I got purple kush, Thia stick, and Northern lights.... I'm using Blackstrap Molasses every second watering..... and I'm trying to source some fox farm ferts.... I'm on an island so.... yeah.... I also try to use worm castings, they are the best :D all natrual, and you don't really have to...
  18. Tanis83

    How long can the weed last me? your thoughts
  19. Tanis83

    Masterkush Masterstealth CFL growbox

    hey valuable..... how many lights and what kinda lights did you use in total for your flower room???? I don't use CFL's but know a guy that is trying to get away with using one 200 watt envirolight to flower 3 2-3' plants... I just don't think there will be enough light.... but I'm an HPS...
  20. Tanis83

    How long can the weed last me? your thoughts

    I'm just saying that cause I've heard taht CFL light and Floro lights don't penetrate the canopy of your plant.... which means.... you have to have more lights around your plants to have a high yield..... your trying to find out how much weed you will have and how long it will last you... has...