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  1. Urca

    How can people inject drugs?

    its just so painful and i dont see any benefit, even though the high from the drug might be more intense, one would have to deal with pain, infection, transmittable diseases, etc.
  2. Urca

    Thinking bout tattoe...........

    holy crap that first arm is HUGE. nice work, doesnt make the arm look so fat, but id never do it
  3. Urca

    How can people inject drugs?

    huh? could you please elaborate?
  4. Urca

    How can people inject drugs?

    I mean, i know the process, but how do you just decide, ok, lets inject something straight into my veins? cause i went and got some blood tests yesterday, and now my arm is blue and purple and aching, and I would hate to feel that all the time Plus needles into veins HURT.
  5. Urca

    S.O.B...Its Snowing!!

    CA, of course
  6. Urca

    S.O.B...Its Snowing!!

    wish it were snowing here, but nope, its 82 degrees outside
  7. Urca

    I've been finding weed all over the place lately

    lol i wish my life worked out like that. but i tend to smoke all my weed because i dont buy in super high quantities, so it goes faster. i think the only time i ever found weed was at the park near my house. i went to smoke with my friends there and we saw some people vacate the best table in...
  8. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    yeah good point. its really just being self concious about my body rather than im afraid of what they will do
  9. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    i dont check, but yes, i know i have to go soon. Im just scared. My aunt lost both breasts and fought cancer for about 6 or 7. my great grandmother died of breast cancer, and a few of my dad's aunts have had it
  10. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    i kinda offered, but idk if he got the hint. ill text him tonight and ask him
  11. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    I only about 800 bucks, and he's sending back the first payment with my older sister after she comes home from vegas. I just had to do it
  12. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    haha i guess. got the number of the dude up the street today too, so i guess it wasnt too bad of a day
  13. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    lol beardo im not sure if your a troll or just deeply disturbed, which is why i choose not to reply to you
  14. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    yeah, they should hire the guy who took my blood at the blood drive to work for them. his was entirely painless, fast, professional, polite, and humorous. the lady who took the second blood test was a different one than from the first round, and she hurt me so bad. my arm is blue where the...
  15. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    aww thank you. in all the times ive ever donated my blood, all the blood tests ive ever had, nothing hurt like that. my arm throbbed for an hour afterward. diabetes doesnt run in my family and i have none of the symptoms, like i said the dr was just being careful. Though ill admit I should take...
  16. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    i agree but thats not why i had the test
  17. Urca

    Two Vans Hit Chinese Toddler…18 Passers-by Ignore Her Suffering

    this hurts my heart so much. my sister's best friend has a daughter that age whom I spend alot of time with. Its so easy for them to get into things on their own, and they dont know better. but how could someone just run down a child and keep driving? then to see all those people pass by. Wtf...
  18. Urca

    Ever Had A Glucose Test?

    They do it to check for diabetes or whatever, i had to have one today not because they think i have diabetes, but because my new dr wanted me to get a whole panel of blood work. that test fucked me up. they take two vials of blood and then make you sit there for two hours after drinking a...
  19. Urca

    Feels Like Christmas

    god dont mention food!! im miserably hungry and there's just so much chinese food
  20. Urca

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    hmm id say about two months