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  1. Urca

    Feels Like Christmas

    ugh i need to smoke a blunt and just lay down, forget about the food
  2. Urca

    Feels Like Christmas

    yeah... plus my mom brought home chinese
  3. Urca

    Feels Like Christmas

    Ok so we had a little break during the class, and so I went outside and smoked like half a bowl of the weed i bought today. i was so fucking high. still am just a little bit. but the sucky part is since i have to do blood work tomorrow, i cant eat or drink until like 10 am
  4. Urca

    Feels Like Christmas

    well i have to go to my night class so i cant try it out yet
  5. Urca

    Feels Like Christmas

    So i havent gotten weed in hella long from my usual dealer, i didnt wanna go through the hassle. So Ive been buying weed around my neighborhood. Big mistake. Its no where near as good as his weed. and i get dont alot for the price I pay. I finally hit him up today, and he came over and dropped...
  6. Urca

    omg it was THAT EXACT HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg it was THAT EXACT HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Urca


    lol too simplistic. have you guns locked up when not in use maintain and treat your guns well always have the safety on until ready to use. no ex prisoners getting guns. not that they all did some violent crime, but prison changes people, makes people more mean, wouldnt trust it I think there...
  8. Urca

    Does everybody who smoke weed, smoke cigarettes too?

    ill have to disagree. My grandmother had to get her toungue cut out, then ended up dying because she got throat cancer from smoking. there is a direct corralation, people who smoke cigarettes even without a family history of cancer develop cancer after a life time of smoking.
  9. Urca


    lol im half asleep anyway. yeah, im just thinking, like they should have a training session or two before the gun is in your hand, and the price of which is included in the gun price. you wouldnt believe how many people buy guns and dont know how to use them properly, end up hurting themselves...
  10. Urca

    I Won The Weed Lottery!

    ah i was smoking in the parking lot of my college, and two mexican dudes saw me, walked over, said hi, pulled out a pill bottle, gave me a bowl's worth of weed, told me to enjoy myself, and walked away. it was good shit too
  11. Urca


    they were all shootings, the 7 were my age and younger. whatever. i still would feel safer knowing that the people who actually have respect for guns and know proper usage have them, rather than some fucking gang banger going and shooting a kid because the kid crossed out his tagging name. Ive...
  12. Urca


    i have no problem with people being armed, i have a problem with the average dumbass being armed. so, im saying, there should be some kind of training, more thorough back ground check, etc. basically the people should have guns for protection, not intimidation. too many kids my age (i just...
  13. Urca


    you're putting too much faith in people. all i said was there should be more criteria, because its too easy to get a gun. you're not the one who had to watch a little boy die because his uncle left the handgun on the table.
  14. Urca


    idk, i think there should be some kind of profinency test before they let you buy a gun, and nothing automatic
  15. Urca


    i do not like guns at all, but totally down with our second amendment rights, that is, within reason. idk, what do you guys think? should there be greater restrictions on guns, should the policy remain the same, or should it be a free for all?
  16. Urca


    well thank you but after crypt turned it into a clown face in photoshop i decided to go with something that has less potential to hurt my feelings
  17. Urca


    lol i suppose
  18. Urca


    lol you mean my lack of common sense makes people attack me instead of each other, i can read through the lines. lol lol
  19. Urca


    lol i noticed that too. unfortunately its obvious im not one of those type of people
  20. Urca

    Does everybody who smoke weed, smoke cigarettes too?

    eh i dont smoke tabacco. i mean, if im drunk or whatever, ill smoke a swisher. but no cigs, rarely any swishers. its so bad for you