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  1. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    yeah your right, ive been trying to not do it so much though
  2. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    no i just didnt understand it. idk like i said, im not used to getting affection and yeah, so i was wondering what would compel him to do that. personally i think that i think too much
  3. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    whats the point? seriously, you are all so negitive. im gonna go smoke and go to bed, you guys disappoint me
  4. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    Wait what happened? lol i went to my friends house and came back and bam!
  5. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    i thought we were friends?
  6. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    I do what i do with him because it turns me on for one, for two i like the way he reacts. Im not suspicious of affection, just not used to it. Also, I really do have feelings for this guy, it just wouldnt work out. Plus, my breath is fine, he has no problems kissing me, he just likes to kiss the...
  7. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    no, its just usually when you think of a guy getting head, you usually dont picture him stopping to give a girl a kiss on top of her head, or when a girl is stroking you, who stops to kiss her forehead? idk, im kinda new to all this, but doesnt seem like something that i would do if i was a guy
  8. Urca

    Titty's,one of god's miracles !

    love it!!!!! so funny
  9. Urca

    Lol quick question?

    Ok so I was wondering if you guys could give some input. went and saw the fwb last night, and he always does this thing where if my head is below his head, no matter what im doing, he always kisses the top of my head. Its cute and everything, but those ive mentioned it to said it was unusual...
  10. Urca

    Tell Me About Your Look

    ok im 5'2, super long red curly hair, hella fat, dark brown eyes. I like dressing preppy, floral prints. but since im cheap, i try to find things in the same vein as that but like not name brand. i wear my black vans every where. I do my hair pretty nice, and I do really good makeup. I dont even...
  11. Urca

    Titty's,one of god's miracles !

    ^thats a bit excessive. yeah, his man boobs are disturbing, but no need to say all that
  12. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    he's such a heavy smoker he smokes in his sleep. ive seen him do it.
  13. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    thank you! i wish i could be there, oh well.
  14. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    well if he can transition to this, easing the strain on his lungs for a start. personally, i think my dad will either drink himself to death or get cancer from all the cigarettes. So im trying to find ways to help, and this seems like a great start!
  15. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    Im doing it for his health. he has no insurance, and he cant afford to keep fucking up his body the way he has for the last 50 years. Im hoping if he really likes this than he can start making other changes too. Like quit drinking 24/7, smoking two packs a day, plus weed. so im putting alot of...
  16. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    he's a large guy, and lives in sweats, cut up shorts, or dress pants. never seen him wear normal pants, ever
  17. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    i wanted to surprise him. lol i think he'll like the card, he's the sentimental type. i get it from him. he gave me his sense of humor, (extremely dirty), his love of debate, being sentimental, trying to be the one to remember the family traditions and stories so i can pass it on. he's a great dad
  18. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    i know, ill just write out something heartfelt. im pretty good at that kind of thing, he'll like that
  19. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    haha hell no. no no no. i never ever want to think about my dad having sex. gah!!! fuck it, i just spent hella money on him, cause it cost 160.99 when i ordered it. Im not made of money!
  20. Urca

    good birthday gift?

    lol i didnt buy it for my brother, i just figured he'd teach him how to use it. plus, i just remembered, Jeff isnt a big fan of using a vape, he said he'd rather use his bong.