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  1. Urca


    lol im gonna sound dumb, but i thought you were like in your late thirties or something, lol i just got that vibe from you
  2. Urca


    man socata i thought you were an older person too.... way way different than what i imagined
  3. Urca

    Seeded Mexican Shit

    ive been seriously considering giving her like an 1/8th of what i usually smoke, so she can get tore up, but she might get mad at me for offering.
  4. Urca


    ill admit it, most of the time i dont like ub much, but he does deserve respect
  5. Urca

    Munchies while Waiting for Munchies?

    ah shit i feel like the iron chef after i smoke, i cook and it always turns out good. but some people eat waayy too much when they smoke. i smoked with my best friend and her ex, and they decided to go cook. They made :Tater tots, chorizo, onion rings, 4 packages of ramen, dinosaur shaped...
  6. Urca

    girl today i was at school, saw this 14 year old wearing a hat that was made to look like wolf...

    girl today i was at school, saw this 14 year old wearing a hat that was made to look like wolf, and i thought of you!
  7. Urca

    Seeded Mexican Shit

    wow i guess i got lucky living where i do, i always get decent weed, looks and smells and tastes good. my mom gets the kind of shit that crypt posted, its dry, the high doesnt last long, tastes like shit
  8. Urca


    uncle buck, i seriously thought of you as a old, gray, hippie bleeding heart! why do you have to look normal and ruin it? lol anyway kuroi, id kind of like doing that. that style of burlesque/vintage makeup suits me best anyway
  9. Urca

    What Age Did You Start?

    I started when i was 15, my twin bro and older sister started years before me, and my brother kept begging me to try it, told me id like it. we go out into his tool shed, sit down, relax, but i wasnt hitting it right. so i didnt feel anything and my brother was fucking ripped. So he hit me...
  10. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    uh no not at all, never even talked to it
  11. Urca

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    lol wanna know something awesome? i actually get to go sleep, im gonna sleep so good, arent you jealous?
  12. Urca

    who knows how to make pictures bigger?

    ok so this should be better.
  13. Urca


  14. Urca

    who knows how to make pictures bigger?

    id post this in the art section but id like your guys' opinions nad for those of you with the skills to enlarge them so i can post it on facebook
  15. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    i have much better things to do than make a new account, i barely use this one anymore
  16. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    why is that? personally i think you'd like me more, my sense of humor doesnt translate well into the whole typed out thing
  17. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    ah meta finally something you and i can agree on
  18. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    well im online all the time just because i dont bother to log out, but it was something in the way she posted that had my bells ringing "something's off"
  19. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    Does no one remember me saying my bullshit alarm was going off?
  20. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    ooh snap..