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  1. Urca

    My dr told me to quit smoking weed

    So I had to go to get results of my blood work, and lucky me, I have wonderful cholesterol, all my organs are functioning perfectly, no sign of diabetes, and great blood pressure. However the dr did say stuff about my weight, understandable. Then I just happened to cough, he took notice and...
  2. Urca

    Cheapest place to buy high quality weed??

    where are you getting that info? Its more like 30-40 dollars an 1/8th. Lol I know this cause I buy weed alot, and usually 1/8ths
  3. Urca

    American courts can use Shariah law!!! WTF!

    Hmm, I dont think she should use any religious law to decide a case. rather, he should consider it in his decision, instead of ruling based off the law alone. All in all, this should have never come to court, and since it went to court, it should be strictly monetary issues, not Islamic issues!
  4. Urca

    I fucking hate drug dealers!

    My dealer is a cool guy, been going to school with him for years, one of my bo's best friends. Always has good weed, always comes to me, very polite and respectful. he's just a nice guy in general, but it helps that he's really cool with my bro
  5. Urca

    Whos got the baddest pit bulls?

    he isnt a pit bull, but chevy is one cute dog pits are problably smarter than him though, just saying
  6. Urca

    Whos got the baddest pit bulls?

    beautiful dogs you have there dam!!
  7. Urca

    what is a contemporary civil rights issue?

    Politics is my life!! Lol im most likely going to major in Political Science, or History of some sort. Definitely considering double majoring Political science and international relations, and brush on my language skills, I want to get hired by the govt
  8. Urca

    what is a contemporary civil rights issue?

    um, its two different schools of thought. Conservatives tend to go for strict interpretation of the Constitution, while Liberals tend to adapt interpretation to fit modern times, however the liberals tend to call for strict interpretation of the second amendment. neither is more right than each...
  9. Urca

    what is a contemporary civil rights issue?

    lol yeah yeah yeah. i guess that what intrigued me about the gay rights was the clash between church and state, the power of the federal govt over the states, and how the states and the people retain the right to make laws not expressly stated in the constitution, which means individual states...
  10. Urca

    Whos got the baddest pit bulls?

    Pitbulls are great dogs if you raise them well. my uncle has this huge black akita dog, it comes up to my waist and weighs alot, looks mean... sweetest dog I swear. My dog is a dumbass lab, I love him, but he isnt the smartest dog in the world
  11. Urca

    what is a contemporary civil rights issue?

    I find it odd too. Normally liberals interpret laws to fit our changing society, but they argue that the orginal 2nd amendment should be interpreted exactly as written, which basically is for forming militias and whatnot. idk, you cant really go into pages of detail about gun rights
  12. Urca

    what is a contemporary civil rights issue?

    Im writing a paper in Poli Sci about contemporary civil rights/liberties issues, but I cant choose one. I was thinking gay rights, because I could use the constitution as heavy resource material, etc, but im just not sure. Not doing abortion or immigration, both have been done to death. Any...
  13. Urca

    New Art

    This one kinda sucks
  14. Urca

    The vape was a success

    lol so i bought my dad a vape for his 50th birthday, they used it a few days early, and they said it got them super messed up. So here's the problem, they are having issues with using it, since they're not quite sure how everything goes, they dont really have the hang of it. So could a couple...
  15. Urca

    New Art

    pencil, what do you think?
  16. Urca

    Thinking bout tattoe...........

    she's hella artistic though, she did a painting on my wall, almost commissioned her for another painting. she's a barista and does latte etching, and she's had a few local art shows, as well as painting 75% of the murals at my old high school
  17. Urca

    Thinking bout tattoe...........

    lol i tried to go find some of what she had done but she took down all the pictures
  18. Urca

    Thinking bout tattoe...........

    lol my friend was doing tats for a while, she was pretty good for being untrained, but one night she and a mutual friend got drunk together, and holy shit the star tattoo that was given has been a source for jokes ever since
  19. Urca

    Thinking bout tattoe...........

    ah ok, which casino? lol you dont have to tell me on here, due to privacy or whatever, but you could pm me which one. personally, ive seen em all. Do you live in vegas to or do you communte from boulder city or henderson?
  20. Urca

    SNL Dec 31- Hosted By Andy Milonakis, With Musical Guests The White Girl Mob

    v nasty sucks, quit trolling her videos. period the end.