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  1. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    hmm kicking height.... partner stretch. You up against the wall, have a partner pull your leg up as far as you can go. The goal is for you (since your a guy) leg on partner shoulder. for dancers and girls (cause we dont have balls that can be hurt) we're supossed to have it at head height or be...
  2. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    yeah thats a problem. over stretching imo is almost as bad as not stretching enough
  3. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    You're welcome. :) The timing of the stretch helps if you do it to music, cause then you'll know what I mean by a count of 8. My dance teacher used to have us do that to work on our toe point and to throughly stretch our calves so we have no rips or strains
  4. Urca

    Yeah, I like older men.

    lol huh???///
  5. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    like I said, visit the dr, find out whether its a strain or a tear before you just push through the pain. tiger balm the hell out of it at night though, and keep massaging and stretching it. Before you excercise, stretch you calves throughly. A good calf stretch is a simple point and flex...
  6. Urca

    Yeah, I like older men.

    it can be torn by riding a bike, a horse, gymnastics, etc... some women have them and they are barely there, some women can be born without them, however thats rare
  7. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    see a dr, asap, do what he says, and train through the pain. I was a dancer, danced and stretched through the pain until my leg was flexible again.
  8. Urca

    Yeah, I like older men.

    lol there's so many ways you break your hymen on accident, that loss of virginity should be considered the first time you have sex, dick into vjj
  9. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    well ive pulled my hanstring, and it helped to take hot showers, heating pad, and tiger balm. still, took me about 7 months to get back to where I was before I pulled it. And even now if I sit too long or it gets cold, it aches
  10. Urca

    Any Physios on RIU?

    I suggest going to a dr, self diagnosis is a bad idea
  11. Urca

    Yeah, I like older men.

    lol i have told a few that i was, got one bad reaction, others were positive. Anywho, virginity isnt having an intact hymen, its never having a dick up in that pussy. and if a guy who is more than ten years older than me wants me like that, better have something going for him, cause personally...
  12. Urca

    Yeah, I like older men.

    I like older men, but not older as in that sense. Since I am so young myself, 5-10 years older is my limit, (unless its the dos equis guy, he's a fox). Ive never been into guys my age except if they really impressed me. Anywho, as long as I can remember I've always liked older men, since I was...
  13. Urca

    What Do You Think Of Acrylic Nails?

    lol ended up getting my nails done today, cause this thread and that talk inspired me yes they are bright and have fake jewels on them.... but they satisfy my taste for the gaudy and i wanted to treat myself
  14. Urca

    In CHINA.. .

    think so, but we could be wrong
  15. Urca

    My dr told me to quit smoking weed

    well im not offended, but some assholes on here will say something about it and try to pick a fight over it. personally, i like that movie
  16. Urca

    My dr told me to quit smoking weed

    omg that takes me back!!
  17. Urca

    My Baby Has Been Stolen From Me!!! WTF!!

    lol fear you got the wrong impression of me. but where im from if someone does something like this, they end up with the brakes beaten off of them. its about respecting other people
  18. Urca

    My Baby Has Been Stolen From Me!!! WTF!!

    i rarely eat subway... anywho, this thread is about some guy getting his plant taken, back to that
  19. Urca

    My Baby Has Been Stolen From Me!!! WTF!!

    you do understand i dont smoke cigarettes right? so quit trolling me
  20. Urca

    What Do You Think Of Acrylic Nails?

    you think its bad where you're from? weaves here are done in myriad rainbow colors, neon green, pink, blue, etc, sometimes all on one head. i appreciate good weave, not cheap weave