Ever Had A Glucose Test?


Well-Known Member
They do it to check for diabetes or whatever, i had to have one today not because they think i have diabetes, but because my new dr wanted me to get a whole panel of blood work.
that test fucked me up.
they take two vials of blood and then make you sit there for two hours after drinking a sugary drink.
then they take more blood.

they got the two vials out of my left arm since my right arm was unusable from donating blood two days ago.
then i had to drink the drink and sit there for a while. about an hour in, my stomach starts cramping like a mofo, fight it off. read the side of the bottle and the side effects were nausea and vomiting. fun
finally after waiting forever i go in to get them to take the last vial of blood
and they go back to my left arm, even though there is a FAT bruise on it
they poke me with the needle and even though it stings its not two bad

but since i pretty much tapped out the veins in my arms, no blood is coming out.
so the lady taking my blood ROLLS THE NEEDLE IN MY ARM AND SHAKES THE VIAL.
holy shit i did everything i could not to scream, but ended up crying like a kid it hurt so bad.

came home and finally ate something for the first time in about 19 hours, but oh no the drink comes back into my system and i spent alot of time puking. tried to sleep it off.

fuck i just needed to get that off my chest, im VERY UNHAPPY. gonna go roll a blunt and see if that doesnt help me out


Well-Known Member
being fat around the stomach makes you more prone to diabetes then fat from the waist down and arms.


Well-Known Member
Oh boy. Diabetes runs in my family and I'm borderline. I need full blood work every month due to food issues and Urca is right unfortunately- they can take shitloads (I often get 6 in one go) they can twist the damn needle and they can resort to giving the vial a shake.

Oh Urca... And you donated blood too- good for you, that was really kind and brave x

I'm so sorry you had such a horrific test... I hope they're gentler with you next time. *hugs you better*


Well-Known Member
Oh boy. Diabetes runs in my family and I'm borderline. I need full blood work every month due to food issues and Urca is right unfortunately- they can take shitloads (I often get 6 in one go) they can twist the damn needle and they can resort to giving the vial a shake.

Oh Urca... And you donated blood too- good for you, that was really kind and brave x

I'm so sorry you had such a horrific test... I hope they're gentler with you next time. *hugs you better*
aww thank you. in all the times ive ever donated my blood, all the blood tests ive ever had, nothing hurt like that. my arm throbbed for an hour afterward. diabetes doesnt run in my family and i have none of the symptoms, like i said the dr was just being careful.
Though ill admit I should take my ass to the lady parts dr for the first time here soon, since breast cancer runs like wildfire in my family


Well-Known Member
yeah, they should hire the guy who took my blood at the blood drive to work for them.
his was entirely painless, fast, professional, polite, and humorous.

the lady who took the second blood test was a different one than from the first round, and she hurt me so bad. my arm is blue where the needles went in


Well-Known Member
lol beardo im not sure if your a troll or just deeply disturbed, which is why i choose not to reply to you


Well-Known Member
Beardo is Beardo, sometimes strange and offensive, sometimes unintelligible, but always completely adorable.

HOLYFUCK you changed your avatar 0_o;

Urca, it's all ok x


Well-Known Member
haha i guess. got the number of the dude up the street today too, so i guess it wasnt too bad of a day


Well-Known Member
aww thank you. in all the times ive ever donated my blood, all the blood tests ive ever had, nothing hurt like that. my arm throbbed for an hour afterward. diabetes doesnt run in my family and i have none of the symptoms, like i said the dr was just being careful.
Though ill admit I should take my ass to the lady parts dr for the first time here soon, since breast cancer runs like wildfire in my family
Do eet.

When I was in hospital they decided to test for EVERYTHING just in case- which included topless examinations and hands up my vagina -_-;

I'm not going to lie Urca, It was horrible, BUT, do it once and you'll feel better about doing it when you really have to in the future. Like when they send you a letter to go get smear tests. Go for it, get used to it now hen you're young and can forget that kind of stuff along with other embarrassing stuff you wouldn't care to remember at this age X3

Will make an interesting thread, 'Urca's boobie screening' :3

But seriously, for peace of mind, do it if it runs in your family. And they say we should all check ourselves regardless... Do you? Maybe I should check an online health guide..


Ursus marijanus
haha i guess. got the number of the dude up the street today too, so i guess it wasnt too bad of a day
Smoke'im out yet?
~shudder~ at your needle story. Having some piecework phlebotomist tug, shake and twist is a very weird gross ow-my-eyeball sort of sensation. cn


Ursus marijanus
Will make an interesting thread, 'Urca's boobie screening' :3
Should I stand in for the giggle squad? "Pix or it didn't happen"? ...Maybe not. I'd feel all dirty.

To redeem myself, I will post the equivalent for the over-40 male ... the Latexed Finger of Dread. Yuh'd think they keep the K-Y in a special Dr. Sado fridge, which makes the inevitable "Now relax" an especially sick joke. cn


Well-Known Member
Smoke'im out yet?
~shudder~ at your needle story. Having some piecework phlebotomist tug, shake and twist is a very weird gross ow-my-eyeball sort of sensation. cn
i kinda offered, but idk if he got the hint. ill text him tonight and ask him