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  1. luvvin growin

    Veg on 14/10 to slow the grow for flower room

    I've found that increasing the amount of light slows the growth,asthe plant sythesizes the sunlight and feedings during the dark.I've kept clones in the cloning room for over a month in 4"pots of soil,and they are onlt 6-8" tall.24-0 light schedule.
  2. luvvin growin

    Clones keep dting what am I doing wrong ?

    Are you peeling away any "skin" from the anglular cut?It really helps them to absorb the rooting gel quicker.
  3. luvvin growin

    4x4x7 tent, how many can i put in there

    How big are the prospects?I have a 5x5x7 tent with 4 3' tall plants in soil,and they are filling the room now,and it's only been a depends on alot of factors,b/c with hydrro you have to make room for the res.,etc.
  4. luvvin growin

    More bud porno.. Bow chicka bowwbooww

    Incredible lookin nugs,that Dew looks fabulous,as do the rest,nice work.+rep
  5. luvvin growin

    Is this normal?

    Sounds good,keep us posted on how it turns out for you.
  6. luvvin growin

    how long should one wait to apply nutes to clones?

    As soon as you see roots,you need to get the plant on nutes,as the rockwool,unlike soil has none in it to sustain them.
  7. luvvin growin

    how long should one wait to apply nutes to clones?

    you can start feeding them right now.Two weeks is usually the norm to allow the roots to grow and spread,then start on a 1/4 strength nute formula,increasing the strength to 1/2 the next week,then 100% thereafter.Hope this helps.You can start nutes after the clones take root fully,usually within...
  8. luvvin growin

    Is this normal?

    it could very well be foxtails,which arent bad,just more growth.Wouldn't worry about it too much.Looks great from that pic.Big bud.
  9. luvvin growin

    If you're gonna do it, do it big?

    If you think you can do it safely,then like the Nike commercial"Just DO It"lol,seriously,as long as theres no risk to you......
  10. luvvin growin

    Is this normal?

    cool,but what strain?The growth isnt very noticable,and I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  11. luvvin growin

    UK: Cheese Cuttings?

    unless you have the genetic coding of the original Exodus Cheese,you'll never be able to simulate it,just like the G13 of Soma's,it's his,and only his.Nice thought,tho.
  12. luvvin growin

    Is this normal?

    what strain?the pic is blurry,but it doesn't even look ready,lots of white left from the looks of it.
  13. luvvin growin

    light transition question please?

    Wouldnt that depend on how much room he has?I veg for 60 days,and totally hear you,the stretch is amazing,but unless your flowering Sativas,it shouldm't be a problem.Good question,tho
  14. luvvin growin

    how many plants can u put under 2 x 600w hps

    I've got a 5x5 grow tent at a patient's house with 4 plants,all 3 feet tall,Northern Lights,and they take up the whole room,minus space to water depends on how big you get your plants in veg as to how many you can fit in that area.
  15. luvvin growin

    how many plants can u put under 2 x 600w hps

    :weed: SCROG is the screen of green technique,and it involves trimming some lower growth,putting up netting,and letting the tops grow into the screen to get ALL of the light on the buds.Great technique.BTW,nice setup,like to see more in the future.
  16. luvvin growin

    light transition question please?

    no need to go 24 hr dark,it takes two weeks for the plants to fully transition to the photoperiod,so it's not needed.24 to 72 dark right before harvest has bben known to show increased yields,however.
  17. luvvin growin

    Flowering room doing good?

    nice lookin' setup.The plants look great.+rep
  18. luvvin growin

    First Time Curing Questions

    2 weeks is pretty much the minimum that you want to cure for the best taste and firmness.As for the humidipaks,I personally have never met anyone who uses them to cure,so thats someone elses area.
  19. luvvin growin

    600 W Coco/Perlite Indoor Blue Venom Grow

    checkin back after a few,and things really look nice.Great Job.You have every right to be proud.+rep
  20. luvvin growin

    my sprouts are turning yellow

    it'll be fine,almost all of mine do it.It's due to the low humidity,and they'll grow out of it.Let the soil dry up some to give the plant all of the micro nutes that are in the soil,it helps.