Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Helloo I dont know if my plant is normal but it seems to be growing really weird the last week. New branchs coming oout of the buds and still is not looking ready! Any help please. As you can see there is a branch coming out of the bud. Now this one plant is nothing like my other. It is topped and the main colas have tripled in size because of the things. I am only wondering if these are gonna fill in? My plants are like 11 weeks flowering. Just cut a top off one because it was ready. Will be leaving the bottom for a week or two. My other 3 plants do not look ready and have a couple weeks still. THEY ARE TAKING FOREVER! Any help please.


Well-Known Member
what strain?the pic is blurry,but it doesn't even look ready,lots of white left from the looks of it.
I know it is not ready. I still have it in my flowering room. Sorry about the picture. I harvested half of another plant today that was around 50% amber trichomes. My camera died right after I took this one and never had a chance for a better one. I was just trying to show the branch coming out a little bit.


Well-Known Member
cool,but what strain?The growth isnt very noticable,and I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I have no idea on the strain. I have had the seeds for 3 years and other people have had good success off of them outdoor. They are not bagseed. I got them from a pollenated plant from a friend. Also on my other plant it is very noticable just I didnt get a chance for a picture. It is only on the top of my main colas that I see them. I have heard of foxtailed plants and am just wondering if this is what that could be.Or something similar

luvvin growin

Active Member
it could very well be foxtails,which arent bad,just more growth.Wouldn't worry about it too much.Looks great from that pic.Big bud.


Well-Known Member
it could very well be foxtails,which arent bad,just more growth.Wouldn't worry about it too much.Looks great from that pic.Big bud.
Thanks I just hope it fills in. The bud I harvested today, I couldnt ask for any more density. Can barely squeeze it. I just hope these plants turn out just as good