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  1. luvvin growin

    My plant!(newbie) :S

    Agreed.Do alot of reading,then get some equipment,those plants are very light deficient,and they dont like to share root space,so you should,as read before,separate them and give them alot more light.
  2. luvvin growin

    My Goofy Lady

    Me too,for as goofy as it is,it looks great.I had a retarded plant that turned out male,but was fun to watch.Nice job.
  3. luvvin growin

    -please help-

    well.i put them in water til the casing cracks,then transfer them to the paper towel for about a day to get a nice root.Some seeds just dont like to germ.My Buddha took almost a week to germ,but my White Rhino,1st day.
  4. luvvin growin

    Too cold

    usually cupping down"ram horning"is caused by over watering,not under,but as CdnBud said,no pics=shaky advice
  5. luvvin growin

    urgent help should i cut the lower branchs

    400 posts,and I still dont know shit.........
  6. luvvin growin

    urgent help should i cut the lower branchs

    Agreed,and good riddance to anyone who cant keep a 4x4 plant alive to begin with.Even Arjan at GreenHouse seeds cuts the lower branches of his plants,and they do not die.If the acclaimed King of Cannabis does it,I'd like to think it's safe.
  7. luvvin growin

    2 days untill 2 weeks old, should I start the Nutes? (PICS)

    start your nute schedule at 1/2 strength for the first week,then go full strength.It can handle it.
  8. luvvin growin

    5 AK47 5 weeks flower

    real nice.Good looking plants
  9. luvvin growin

    what is this on my little girl???

    are the yellow hairs appearing all over the plant,or a secluded area?It looks like a pistel to me,not hermie development,usually they have actual pollen sacs swollen and yellow,no hair like strands.
  10. luvvin growin

    Pics of my next run, T-18 days to flower

    look like under developed calyxs to me,probably not hermie since you clipped that early.
  11. luvvin growin

    indoor with 6 26w cfl/ want to put outside now and again

    as long as you stay within the photoperiod,you can move your plants around all you want.Just stay within the photoperiod,you'll do just fine.
  12. luvvin growin

    plants showing sex, still in veg!!

    but to answer the other question,most plants will show signs of sex,although my Mazar x Afgan didnt show until 10 days on 12/12,so its in the genetics,mostly
  13. luvvin growin

    plants showing sex, still in veg!!

    Sure,since you only clone while they are in veg,it wont hurt anything.
  14. luvvin growin

    1st grow, day 13 veg, what do you think?

    Looking good,nice.Keep it up
  15. luvvin growin

    Fem Seeds & Clone Question.

    Its fem if you bought fem,hopefully,and I clone after 2 months.
  16. luvvin growin

    Veg 18/6 or 24/7

    true that,I also will use a 20/4 for clones,they root in 5 to 8 days,as opposed to 10-14 under 24/0.But only my clones,my seedlings still get 24/0 for the first week.
  17. luvvin growin

    When to start flowering

    the smell is absolutely normal,and I've grown a White Rhino,vegged it for 2 weeks,no training,started flowering on week 3,flowered it for 9 weeks,and the ending height was 25",but its dependant on the strain,training,etc.But thats my Rhino schedule.
  18. luvvin growin

    Veg 18/6 or 24/7

    Sure it does,it slows the plants metabolism to better intake nutrients,and to push all of the cells to do what the nutes are telling it to do.Although you will hear opinions that differ,this is mine,based on 18 yrs. of experience
  19. luvvin growin

    Seedling Watering - When to turn on bigger lights?

    lwt the soil dry out before watreing,and give them two weeks gefore the big lights.
  20. luvvin growin

    autoflowering question

    Total darkness helps alot,mine just harvested at a wet weight of 289.75 grams.Totally dark.No leaks.Hope it helps.