plants showing sex, still in veg!!


hey all, maybe someone can shed some light on why my plants are shooting pistols out when they are steadily under 18/6 MH!? I'm fairly new to growing, this would be my 4th go, never seen this before. i'm at day 45 vegging on a few plants, i checked them last night and didn't notice anything, when i went down this morning to check them before the lights went off i saw the 3 nodes under the top of 1 plant are all shooting 1/2" pistols out, another plant has one small pistol shooting out. these plants were started the same day, one is about 14" tall, the other only about 8" I'm growing bagseed in neutral soil, ph is between 6.0-7.0, using fox farms nuts for the first time, and my temps are pretty stably 65 lights off, 75-80 lights on. Should i be putting these plants in my flower room? what causes this phenomenon? thanks for any replies in advance!


Well-Known Member
It's just a preflower. It's normal. Means the plant is mature enough to go into flowering.


Well-Known Member
No 12/12 is not the only way to sex a plant. It will show preflowers at 4-6 weeks of age regardless of what ligth cycle it's on. Then you'll know the sex before even flowering it.


Active Member
No 12/12 is not the only way to sex a plant. It will show preflowers at 4-6 weeks of age regardless of what ligth cycle it's on. Then you'll know the sex before even flowering it.
Not true with all strains.. I had some bagseed that i vegged for 2 months and they didn't show sex until 2 weeks after i put it into 12/12 :leaf:


so I've now seen 5 plants showing sex in veg. plants have been going 47 days now at 18/6, they are rather short and haven't been showing much growth so i kept them vegging. 2 males, 3 females, CAN i clone from these females without and additional delay since they were never switched to 12/12?

luvvin growin

Active Member
so I've now seen 5 plants showing sex in veg. plants have been going 47 days now at 18/6, they are rather short and haven't been showing much growth so i kept them vegging. 2 males, 3 females, CAN i clone from these females without and additional delay since they were never switched to 12/12?
Sure,since you only clone while they are in veg,it wont hurt anything.

luvvin growin

Active Member
but to answer the other question,most plants will show signs of sex,although my Mazar x Afgan didnt show until 10 days on 12/12,so its in the genetics,mostly


Well-Known Member
Not true with all strains.. I had some bagseed that i vegged for 2 months and they didn't show sex until 2 weeks after i put it into 12/12 :leaf:
OK then for the most part it is true. MOST plant WILL show preflowers before even going into flowering. Not sure why yours wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
so I've now seen 5 plants showing sex in veg. plants have been going 47 days now at 18/6, they are rather short and haven't been showing much growth so i kept them vegging. 2 males, 3 females, CAN i clone from these females without and additional delay since they were never switched to 12/12?
Clone away. If you know what sex they are you can clone with out worry then.