-please help-


Active Member
last time i baught some virvana ice seeds(they didnt germinate). . . i used the bowl plate and damp paper towel< that didnt work.

i just got my nirvana blue mystic in the mail and i want to get these ones to pop. what are some other ways i can do this?

luvvin growin

Active Member
well.i put them in water til the casing cracks,then transfer them to the paper towel for about a day to get a nice root.Some seeds just dont like to germ.My Buddha took almost a week to germ,but my White Rhino,1st day.


Active Member
first time it took only a day for me the 2 time some seeds took almost 2 weeks but on ave a from 1 day to a week, paper towel for me is the best!


Well-Known Member
cracking time depends on the strain.
were you keeping the paper towel warm..?
put them on top of your hot water heater and that will produce some adequate heat.