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  1. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU? ok so according to wikipedia im sorta right and sorta wrong my bad
  2. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU?

    just fyi you're referring to modern day europe, where immigartion from other continents has become common... france back in the 1600 and 1700's was purely white, they came over to lousiana, started up plantations, created the creole culture on the united states, and passed down that creole blood...
  3. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU?

    no, im talking about original settlers from france in the 1600 and 1700's hundreds who formed the creoles. who passed on creole blood to their mixed race children, because in france, at the time, there was no natural black population to come to america and form creole culture... which i think...
  4. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU?

    what do you mean? I hope it didnt come off as racist its just what I know. If i got any information wrong please correct me, and I will gladly change my opinion to suit the facts
  5. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    um... reading a book called outcasts united then also the textbook is by some guy named robbins... it looks like a magazine
  6. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    yeah true. oh well i feel like shit anyway, no use feeling bad on the inside. classes at least went well, despite repeating gagging and making sure i didnt do any bodily functions that are disgusting. My ethics teacher is good looking and my cultural anthro teacher is interesting
  7. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    I feel for them, but that stuff they pulled this morning and my stepdad's comments while I was trying not to puke as he took me to school make me feel that way. Why are you gagging you were feeling better last night? Try not to think about it, blah blah blah... and I come home from classes...
  8. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    Idk i just feel like they think they are more sick than me, when im just as sick as they are...
  9. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    so no more nausea, just im really sore and hurting, throat raw, dehydrated. and i had the lovely experience of waking up, realizing the toilet over flowed, have to unclog it and try to clean up all the nasty water, so i wake my mom up to ask what i should use to clean it, because i didnt wanna...
  10. Urca

    Do you keep a personal record of modern history?

    baby you talk too much, pass the blunt... but seriously why all the threads like this?
  11. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU?

    lmao yeah the cajuns, arent they supposed to be white french people who were booted out of acadia in canada, came to louisiana, settled, as opposed to the creoles who came straight from france? always makes me lol when black people say they are creole... yeah you're creole cause your family way...
  12. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU?

    there are black cajuns?
  13. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    so now my mom just puked too... she didnt eat the same things as we did... this is odd
  14. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    thank you im happy too... hopefully i will be fine when i wake up to go to school tomorrow
  15. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    anywho i havent thrown up for about 4 hours so I think Im finally better.
  16. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    lol pull my hair, bite me, whatever, if you put ginger up my ass i will fucking cut you
  17. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    I love gingerbread. and that seems pointless and painful to do to a girl
  18. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    meta, always wanna derail my threads... seriously ginger up the ass? what does that do but make her shit smell like xmas?
  19. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    yeah... but no one else got sick. they ate all theirs the first night, no sick, I had leftovers and ate them, and they had sat on the table the night before for like an hour before i put it in the fridge. but seriously no one else got sick. my sister ate hotdogs yesterday too and now she is...
  20. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    and i was high so i said fuck it and ate it.