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  1. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    yeah it was fully cooked but i ate it cold... chicken breast, wings, a rib. the sticky bun was like a week old... she's like here eat it
  2. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    left over bbq for lunch, hamburger/ hot dog for dinner. part of an old sticky bun my mom gave me...
  3. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    haha no... I had a dream i was puking, woke up, and then kept controllably puking yellow bile for about 7 hours on and off... Idk what it could be, my mom swears its food poisoning
  4. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    lmao you have to have sex to get pregnant, and so far im still a virgin... so unless im bearing the second coming of jesus, its impossible
  5. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    thank you i appreciate it!
  6. Urca

    BEST food to eat when you're stoned.

    the best thing to eat when you are high... hmm brown sugar oatmeal with peanut butter is good and surprisingly not that bad for you... all together id say it was about 350 calories... for a pretty big bowl... and you get hella full. if you wanna treat yourself, id get high and go out to a wing...
  7. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    yeah but her symptoms are different. She's actually throwing up food, and she felt fine all day until like 6 pm then she got nauseous while as soon as I woke up I started puking yellow liquid all day. She has a fever and I dont, she's getting the chills but my body aches. Her puke is green and...
  8. Urca

    BEST food to eat when you're stoned.

    witty wise old bear
  9. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    lmao yeah because i would definitely want to get sick, uncontrollably so, and if i miss class, get dropped out of my classes and have wasted 300 dollars on textbooks. that was my plan from the start
  10. Urca

    Jeffrey Miron on why we should legalize all drugs

    I did notie how in Switzerland, when they opened up clinics to give people heroin, their lives did improve. crime decreased, and I think drug related fatalities? But part of me still cannot condone the legalization of drugs like meth, crack, etc... If there were clinics like in switzerland that...
  11. Urca

    I call BULLSHIT!!!!!! lol~

    ive smoked weed that color before... not as vibrant, but pink nonetheless
  12. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    ok so i couldnt smoke to make it better... it couldnt be helped i stuck to the toilet all day. I cant stop, its been about 7 hours and still puking yellow bile, also i ever time I puke I have to... go to the bathroom. I took a nap, heard my sister puking, and then woke up and puked... been...
  13. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    ok im at the end of my rope i will try to smoke... this just marks the 3rd straight hour of me throwing up nothing but yellow bile
  14. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    fuck im afraid to smoke, what if it makes it worse?
  15. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    Blech Im feeling terrible right now. Had dreams of myself puking, woke up at noon and have been puking ever since. Its not any food either, just straight yellow bile. Do you guys know anything at all? Google is no help, just keeps telling me to drink water and that Im puking bile because I ran...
  16. Urca

    N Califonria Make Sure To Water Them Plants A little Extra next week....

    fuck and part of what i have to do is go door to door... im fucked
  17. Urca

    Long time no see

    why the fuck would you share that? especially with all the people that detest you. you will be trolled... hard.
  18. Urca

    Banning = boring

    yeah but when other members, such as myself and a few others, got the same treatment not that many people got banned. while kaendar is ignorant as shit, he didnt deserve the treatment... but why get so many people banned when not that many people were banned for doing the same things to others?
  19. Urca

    Banning = boring

    well ive gotten alot of shit. not recently as much as it was this time last year... kaendar just got hella people banned, i never tried to get anyone banned when i got the bullshit last year
  20. Urca

    Banning = boring

    ive had it so much worse than you on these boards.... so go cry somewhere else.