At home cures for nausea?

Ok, if we're gonna get into it, it's not like itreally hurts, it's supposed to feel...well...warm, to say the least. Different strokes for different folks, but a lot of people are into a lot of funky shit out there, I assure you, you'll encounter far stranger as you scratch off the years.
thank you im happy too... hopefully i will be fine when i wake up to go to school tomorrow
so now my mom just puked too... she didnt eat the same things as we did... this is odd
There's something called figging, where you peel a large piece of ginger and put it in a girls ass...Don't ask me why I know that I think that would help with nausea...

So how did it feel to let ur GF stick a big piece of peeled ginger up ur ass Meta? Lolz. Sounds like that Japanese remedy where u stick an onion up ur ass, but I think when they say onion they actually mean a leek.
so no more nausea, just im really sore and hurting, throat raw, dehydrated.
and i had the lovely experience of waking up, realizing the toilet over flowed, have to unclog it and try to clean up all the nasty water, so i wake my mom up to ask what i should use to clean it, because i didnt wanna ruin her nice towels, and she freaks out on me, started cussing. i basically had to use old clothes we were gonna donate to clean it up, try to get in the shower and realize i have to scrub it too since my sister decided to puke in the shower, and didnt get it all clean... and im just so angry, because i really didnt sleep well and im still really hurting and kinda sick, but i still made sure that the toilet was fixed, the nasty water cleaned up, and the shower scrubbed free of puke, trying to will myself not to think about how much i hurt, but still get bitched out for waking my mom up to ask her what wold be the best thing to clean it with.

just having a bad morning
welcome to the wonderful world of being a woman. u guys get the worst jobs with little empathy. you had a virus for sure. i've had food poisoning...only lasted a few hours. gatorde keeps your electrolites up while rehydrating your body. if you can keep that down it'll help. i know lavander can help keep you from puking...or so i hear. a cold compress on your forehead might help also...although you're over your puking it may help your family. i'm not a doctor though, i just play one on the internet.
you get these packets of shit to rehydrate you and fix up electrolyte at the pharmace, quite cheap and realy good for restoring you after one of these episodes.
Have you tried out zypan by standard process?

Works well for me with indegestion and acid reflux and all the gi stuff.

It is a homeopathic remedy told to me by our homeopathic doc

Interesting. No i haven't but working at an animal healthcare supply warehouse, i know we sell a shit-ton of it. Had no idea what it's indications were (since i just pick the order and pack it). Gonna have to ask my GI doc about this.


EDIT: The retching while brushing thing has been going on with me for almost two years now. Sucks just finishing up and then puking and then doing it all over again :(
What the hell did you eat?

so no more nausea, just im really sore and hurting, throat raw, dehydrated.
and i had the lovely experience of waking up, realizing the toilet over flowed, have to unclog it and try to clean up all the nasty water, so i wake my mom up to ask what i should use to clean it, because i didnt wanna ruin her nice towels, and she freaks out on me, started cussing. i basically had to use old clothes we were gonna donate to clean it up, try to get in the shower and realize i have to scrub it too since my sister decided to puke in the shower, and didnt get it all clean... and im just so angry, because i really didnt sleep well and im still really hurting and kinda sick, but i still made sure that the toilet was fixed, the nasty water cleaned up, and the shower scrubbed free of puke, trying to will myself not to think about how much i hurt, but still get bitched out for waking my mom up to ask her what wold be the best thing to clean it with.

just having a bad morning