Ursus marijanus
Have you tried out zypan by standard process?
Works well for me with indegestion and acid reflux and all the gi stuff.
It is a homeopathic remedy told to me by our homeopathic doc
Homeopathy? Oy. cn
Have you tried out zypan by standard process?
Works well for me with indegestion and acid reflux and all the gi stuff.
It is a homeopathic remedy told to me by our homeopathic doc
Idk i just feel like they think they are more sick than me, when im just as sick as they are...
I dont get it
If you do some reading about homeopathy, you'll find it's a sort of quackery. It's as legit as astrology. Like all quackery, it relies on the placebo effect to generate positive testimony. cn
Yea, ive done my research. Ive been seeing the same doctor for the past 20years, he is a reliable doctor. He is a kinesiologist and chiro as well.
I believe pharmaceuticals are far worse then any homeopathic remedy ive tried. I hate big pharma and i think most of there shit is quakery...
All these synthetic chemicals used to treat symptoms, not the cause of the symptoms. If they would treat the cause, they would run out of business.
We disagree about this. I also consider chiropractic to be a fringe practice. Its bennies can be matched with a good massage, but the credentials allow chiropractors to charge like dentists. I don't know enough about kinesiology.
But saying he's a reliable doctor, then categorically ripping on drug therapies, is not the stance of inquiry, but observance. My opinion. cn
Ive seen my fair shae of md quakery... More so thrn their chiro counterparts. I have never been to a chiro who has charged what a dentist charges.
Under what grounds do you believe chiro not be certain?
My rip is on big pharma, not supplements made from organic ingridients. Have you seen the lawsuits against very widely used drugs?
The trouble is that I cannot get what i need from organic supplements. No triptans, no proton pump inhibitors, no calcium channel blockers etc. Big pharma isn't perfect, but does make some good stuff that cannot be had any other way.
As as chiro is concerned, it's a tradition, like Ayurveda or acupuncture. It isn't a science, and there are as many ways to do it as there are practitioners. I don't see it as clearly rising above the placebo noise floor. And the ones here do charge. My ex saw a couple. I shushed ... anything that improved her mood ... cn
I'm not relying on my own experiences to dis chiropractic. But if you read its history, it isn't a science. It's a tradition based more on belief than experiment.
If there is a scientific tradition to chiro, a consistent requirement to only do what works, i have not seen it. I've seen the opposite: partisans claiming their way works, on such weak supports as some testimony. That is counter to science ... no test protocol. cn
You base your philosophy off of your study which was found by science. What individuals do with what they have learned in academia is up to them and unfortunately, ther those bad apples who fuck shit up for others. Guilty by association if you will.
It is like the field of strength and conditioning, you use what works in the real world or what has worked est in tour experience. So what you are saying is that there is no science behind any of disciplines i mentioned? There is o science behind the development of peak athletic performance?
I would certainly have to disagree with you there neer