Do you keep a personal record of modern history?


Well-Known Member
Things like 9-11, Osama Bin Ladin's death, major political events, events that shape history.. Do you keep track of them in any kind of personal way? I've known people who go pick up the newspaper when a major event happens, the Challenger explosion, just random stuff that makes national headlines..

I'd like to start doing this, at 25, in 2012, Curiosity just landed on Mars, stuff happens every couple years. I was thinking about starting some kind of historical logbook, to look back on and remember exactly how I felt during a specific time or event. Who knows what might happen, it would be interesting to look back 40 years from now on all the Y2K type stuff that's going to happen from now till then, random predictions.. I can imagine the book somebody with the same idea might have created from the 60's on! lol, hopefully it'll be just as interesting!

I'm predicting the collapse of the United States, I mean, as we understand it to be today, within the next 20-30 years.. It's sad, but I'm just trying to be realistic, I don't think there's much that'll be able to save the economy at this point..

Presidents will try but it'll be futile.. The housing bubble collapsed, the college bubble is going to follow within 3-5 years. Our economy is in a state of turmoil. China will take the dominant economic lead around 2020 and America will hopefully recover around 2030-2040 and emerge again as a competing world power, but I don't know shit about world economies or commerce, so this is all wishful thinking. I just hope I don't spend my 30's, 40's & 50's on in some scarce resource type poverty, scrounging for resources just to survive... But honestly, the way it looks at the moment, that scenario isn't some distant dystopian future.. Politicians of the present don't give a damn about people, they just care about their families and what'll ensure their power in the world.. There are enough gullible people still buying the American dream story who support and vote for em, so that's the world we live in..

I think there's some kind of change going on, a lot of people seem to be getting used to info from the internet, where a lot of the restrictions from previous sources prevented real information from being seen. So hopefully in a year or two we'll see some dramatic changes. This is the most effective tool we can use these days, imo..


Well-Known Member
baby you talk too much, pass the blunt...
but seriously why all the threads like this?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Things like 9-11, Osama Bin Ladin's death, major political events, events that shape history.. Do you keep track of them in any kind of personal way? I've known people who go pick up the newspaper when a major event happens, the Challenger explosion, just random stuff that makes national headlines..

I'd like to start doing this, at 25, in 2012, Curiosity just landed on Mars, stuff happens every couple years. I was thinking about starting some kind of historical logbook, to look back on and remember exactly how I felt during a specific time or event. Who knows what might happen, it would be interesting to look back 40 years from now on all the Y2K type stuff that's going to happen from now till then, random predictions.. I can imagine the book somebody with the same idea might have created from the 60's on! lol, hopefully it'll be just as interesting!

I'm predicting the collapse of the United States, I mean, as we understand it to be today, within the next 20-30 years.. It's sad, but I'm just trying to be realistic, I don't think there's much that'll be able to save the economy at this point..

Presidents will try but it'll be futile.. The housing bubble collapsed, the college bubble is going to follow within 3-5 years. Our economy is in a state of turmoil. China will take the dominant economic lead around 2020 and America will hopefully recover around 2030-2040 and emerge again as a competing world power, but I don't know shit about world economies or commerce, so this is all wishful thinking. I just hope I don't spend my 30's, 40's & 50's on in some scarce resource type poverty, scrounging for resources just to survive... But honestly, the way it looks at the moment, that scenario isn't some distant dystopian future.. Politicians of the present don't give a damn about people, they just care about their families and what'll ensure their power in the world.. There are enough gullible people still buying the American dream story who support and vote for em, so that's the world we live in..

I think there's some kind of change going on, a lot of people seem to be getting used to info from the internet, where a lot of the restrictions from previous sources prevented real information from being seen. So hopefully in a year or two we'll see some dramatic changes. This is the most effective tool we can use these days, imo..
luckily for you everything today is documented, better than it has ever been throughout history , with newspapers ,national records ,film , internet , etc etc etc , i cant even take a shit in the street nowadays without someone whipping out there mobile phone to record me ,but it might be fun to document things yourself on a personal level.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
there was a great documentary on British telly last year , where a film company asked the members of the British public to send ANY old film they had from the last 50 years , just any random shit like , a day at the beach in the 70s or something , they then edited it all together to show an amazing look back at life , it was totally fascinating to see the clothes , the cars , the haircuts lol the shops and everything else you completely forget about .


Well-Known Member
yes, mine started the day Gore lost the popular vote and GWB had a second term gifted by the electoral college, contrary to the peoples choice. watched a surplus turn into the largest deficit ever in existence, and took part in cultural, and selective genocide under the guise of OIF. build a seed vault, grow your own food, and buy some chickens. the food shortage hasn't even begun yet.


Well-Known Member
baby you talk too much, pass the blunt...
but seriously why all the threads like this?
i always read the OP's threads... they are interesting, atleast this guy thinks about the world around him and not just his plants in his closet, or the blunt hes smoking.


Well-Known Member
What ur lookin 4 is a time capsule, make 1 and bury it then dig it up in 20yrs. And I'd have to disagree with ur whole collapse of the U.S statement cause we simply have too much natural resources, yes we r stupid for letting companies set up shop outside the U.S to lower production costs. That and I wouldn't really consider what happened with real estate pricing to be a housing bubble I'd call it more greedy banks that would give a loan to any asshole that asked bubble. Kinda like that same thing that happened with that S&L scandal back in the 80s I think, same kinda thing just on a much larger scale, like nationwide. If the banks hadn't given such high risk loans then insuring the loan with another co. to move the debt off their books so they could give more loans we would have never had such wide spread property foreclosures all at once. Cause even the ppl that could afford the property once all those foreclosures hit the market in their areas it instantly lowered property value, and suddenly all that equity they had in their property is gone and they're fucked and now owe more on a piece of property than it can be sold for.