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  1. Urca

    Hangover cures?

    i just wonder how people can go out and drink constantly
  2. Urca

    Hangover cures?

    lol i signed a confidentiality thingy... but basically im having a blast and made some good friends
  3. Urca

    Hangover cures?

    its fine. i stay busy between classes and my internship.
  4. Urca

    Hangover cures?

    Id rather smoke weed than drink anyway... Im only really down to get drunk once a month cause i hate the feeling afterwards
  5. Urca

    Hangover cures?

    yeah to be honest im a bit disenchanted with drinking. I am happy that I only puked when I forced myself to, instead of the uncontrollable heaves.
  6. Urca

    Hangover cures?

    I was really hungover today, and I didnt know what to do. I just kept sleeping and showering... made myself puke. Finally was able to eat something around 6, had some ritz. then was able to eat some meat and now my headache is finally gone. And my body doesnt hurt as much. What do you guys do...
  7. Urca

    This Threads For Women Who Know They're A 5 Or Less- Please Contribute.

    lies.... doesnt work like that.
  8. Urca

    This Threads For Women Who Know They're A 5 Or Less- Please Contribute.

    well you all know i am very heavy... so i let guys treat m poorly and do what i can to make them happy beause i dont feel like I am worth their love or respect, since the only time men want anything to do with me in a non friendship way is to just get some strange and leave... which I do not do.
  9. Urca

    Did you do anything productive today?

    i did what i do almost everyday. Went to school for about 2 classes. Went to my internship for about 5 hours. Came home. Ate. Now sleepy. I work my ass off for free
  10. Urca

    Just moved my home office

    Charlotte Xiao is nice! Classy and still relevant to her chinese side.. and yeah little girl stuff can get old quick
  11. Urca

    Just moved my home office

    haha sweet! so any names yet? what colors did you pick for the nursery?
  12. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    lmao well possibly but i dont swallow so idk?
  13. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU?

    if the punishment so harsh even 60 years ago, imagine a slave with a white woman actually laying pipe in her
  14. Urca

    Any cajun boys out in the RIU?

    lmao trolling hard... yeah im sure tons of slaves fucked white women... even though history tends to show gruesome consequences for black men with white women up until the last few decades or so. I mean shit emmett till, (60 years ago), a hella young boy was lynched for supposedly whistling at a...
  15. Urca

    UUggghhh!! A Rant.

    well if he knows about her now he should try to at least be there in some fashion...
  16. Urca

    UUggghhh!! A Rant.

    if you have a daughter you never seen you should try to get to know her before she grows up thinking her dad never knew about her or cared
  17. Urca

    At home cures for nausea?

    yeah i could kinda get the feeling of that but its up to me to seperate the hype from the fact
  18. Urca

    He basically saved my ass.

    man this is so sad. my cat orf had to be put down after 12 years of life... the fucker was 23 pounds and he was adorable and loving... he had blood and fluid in his lungs so we had to put him down :(
  19. Urca

    How much money would it take for you to be in amateur porn?

    fuck that i would never do that... once you're in a porn that shit will follow you until the day you die