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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Yes 1ml per litre. And 4grams per tote
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    Water conditioners for root development in res... Halp!

    First time using em and I can say I will continue to use.... Using hygrozyme currently.
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    Water conditioners for root development in res... Halp!

    Also a good option and like was said more new grower friendly
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Ok 1.5 per 5 gal ph up. Add 45ml cal mag and lower mag sulfate to 4grams. Add 650ppm of nutrients. And keep humidity 55% day and same or lower at night. Temps over 75f day up to 80 ideally and not lower than 65-68 at night That should solve the cal issues
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Ok kinda feeling we need a reset. How much is the ph swing and which direction is it going?
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Looking now
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    If your not seeing tox up the ppm by 100-200 but pay close attention. How much cal mag and mg sulfate are you adding?
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    These were my latest seeds they went in 2days after sprout. Then top fed once a day until roots hit the water. I put a pic of how much hydroton to put in the bottom. This is 20 day mark from sprout. The runt in the back I dropped while looking for roots. It stunted growth almost a week and was...
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    Me clones usually about 7 days then top feed once a day. As soon as I see roots I move them. Do not remove them from the peat. Put 1-2" of hydroton on the bottom of the net pot then place the rapid rooter on that and fill around the rest
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    Water conditioners for root development in res... Halp!

    I have never used great white but heard decent things about it. You can also use seachem stability, its used in aquariums to seed denitrifying bacteria. Also an enzyme like hygrozyme works with either live or sterile. Just great white and hygrozyme should be good enough.
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    I have a feeling you are gonna nute burn them. You need to get the VPD dialed in then adjust feed. VPD is the driving force for transpiration and calcium is passively taken up you can increase or lower nutrient uptake by adjusting VPD. But its much better and less issues when gaining ideal VPD...
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    Reoccurring problems every grow WOODY J (UK) to the rescue

    I agree with everything you said. Cal/Mg can be added after silica IF you add silica then PH down to 6 then add cal/mg then add nutrients then PH adjust. The precipitate comes into play when cal reaches a PH above 8? I can't remember exactly.
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    @Airwalker16 I think does the bubble cloning. He would be a good person to ask. I always use a media such as rockwool,peat pellet or rapid rooter.
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    I agree but if it's all hes got might be worth a try. Yes that counts as a day
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Yes cutting twice will make a difference
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    Never done aeroponics
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Not sure what ya mean
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    Long enough to reach the water... 100-150ppm
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    Ok I think you put them in the system to early. That changes everything. I should have asked but never seen this done before. The water level needs to be high enough to develop roots. I suggest using a cloner or other like peat pellets, rapid rooter, Rockwool first then transplanting into the...
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    We're these clones?