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    RDWC PPM when using Tea

    looks good to me for early plants maybe week 1-3.
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    RDWC PPM when using Tea
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    I gotta lose those waterfalls. HELP!

    Good shit man
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    HOW TO CALCULATE YOUR OWN VPD: If you don't like math your in luck here is a formula you can put into a spreadsheet to do it for you. I use excel personally. Enter the formula on the next line into spreadsheet cell A10 (copy and paste it)...
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    VPD IN DIFFERNT STAGES OF GROWTH: Ideal KPA ranges for different stages of growth. Seedling/clone 0.4-0.8 Veg 0.8-1.1 Early flower 1-1.4 Late flower 1.3-1.5 As a matter of fact, most growers use some form of VPD control already, without even knowing it. When you put clones under a dome...
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    OK here is a copy paste from a post i made elsewhere. Its info i have taken from a few sources and added to in order to help get all the info in one place and add some info i felt was missing. WHAT IS VPD: VPD stands for Vapor Pressure Deficit. All gases have vapor pressures, but when we’re...
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    It's possible it is air pruning but from my old ass eyes it does look like some root rot that has been controlled but not eliminated
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    Yes to a point it will increase initially. Then as the leaf is damaged and the plant is trying to conserve moisture it will slow and even stop transpiration. I can copy paste a VPD thread I made on another forum it's quite long but I feel does a good job explaining how transpiration is affect by...
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    At this point its just gonna be a battle keeping anything stable. I would try a 50/50 mix but you may end up doing res changes almost daily
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    A+B nutes if they can provide a buffer. Or use tap water. Hell I don't even do that I use a 1 part and tap water with some ph down
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    Yeah temp adjust your tap water and use a sprayer to remove the slime. Gently rub with fingers to get it off. Mix a new res of nutes and add hydrogaurd fill so the root are submerged. I suggest mixing hydrogaurd in a gal of distilled and pouring from the top to ensure all roots get contact...
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    OP how are you mixing all your nutrients?
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    I agree only enough to create a buffer to resist extreme ph change. Ph up is potassium bicarbonate it's actually a nutrient but needs to be taken into account. But you definitely want to use as little as possible to achieve that. Calcium carbonate is a good alternative since calcium is actually...
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    Definitely can be root stress but transpiration is more important there are 2 pathways of uptake. Back that light off and make sure you have good airflow through the plant. What light are you using? And how close is it?
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    I'm not at all doubting microbes play a role in the flavonoids some how... I don't know exactly and there has been alot on anicdotal and peer info that would suggest they do... Maybe some scientific data but I'm not aware of. Sulfur imo is most impactful. The notion of chemical taste from nutes...
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    Root rot will lower ph from decaying organics. Ph up and down is ok to use if you need to create a buffering capacity. OP have a pic of the roots?
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    Heat/light stress slows down transpiration and photosynthesis and intern nutrient uptake. You ppm are probably rising meaning the solution is becoming more concentrated and as nutrients we use are generally more acidic your ph will drop as this happens. do you have a ppm meter?
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    I can't say the reason. Let me read back Haha I think thread title say it all bro. Sorry a bit high right now. It's likely ph related
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    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    You do realize microbes convert organic nutes into inorganic elements right? Smh ok I can't fix stupid.. good luck bro