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  1. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    the molasses i have are unsulphured. sorry ph 5.8-6.5 based on the EC values given as optimal on nutes feeding schedule of a product i used in the past. I may be wrong.
  2. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    that's cool. i decided that i'll try the cal/mag thing on one of the two and see what different it makes while keeping the other going with just water with ph 5.2-5.8. when should i use molasses? with the final watering? do they even do anything? never used them before
  3. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    how do you know if you're getting enough of one nutrient? do you get your tea tested? just received the calmag and tomorrow they'll get some. i also got some molasses and planning to add some of those to the water too. fingers crossed.
  4. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    thanks bro, however I always thought making tea takes a lot of work and would still cost money as i'd need to buy all the stuff you listed and have to mail order it, incurring in high delivery costs. about the chicken pellets, they're certified organic so i assume it should be genuine chicken...
  5. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    they're this stuff but i think usually they're considered...
  6. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    Yes, I agree it looks like you need a CalMag product. General Organics CaMg+ is what most people recommend. It's a great product and it's cheap. Add about 10ml per gallon next time you add your nutes. I just order this from ebay...
  7. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    the mofuckas have gone yellow and dropped. that was what got me worried
  8. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    thanks dude
  9. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    thanks man. should that replace my other nutes until harvest or just a one off thing? however the Bloom products don't seem to be organic certified
  10. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    thanks for the advice. I tried to give 'em less nutes but it seemed that that increased the yellowing. I assume the cal/mag would be a replacement for my regular ferts rather than a supplement. should i try to flush them?
  11. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    is this what you mean?
  12. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    I'm not sure what that is. I feed them with biobizz grow, bloom and top max more or less in every watering like it says on the bottles, but there's something that isn't working too well. in the same tent with the same nutes i have 2 autos that are doing good, so i don't know if it's heat, not...
  13. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    has nobody ever tried to grow these then? really?
  14. ganjalibera

    Thai/Haze free beans not doing great

    Hey dudes, I've got some regular thai/haze that came free from seedsman, i think, and thought to give it a go and see what happens. I germinated 3 seeds and went straight to 12/12 under 600W HPS as I read somewhere that was a tall and long finishing strain. They all happened to be girls so I...
  15. ganjalibera

    Possible mould very close to harvest, need fast solution

    it doesn't seem to be that bad but I worry it'll spread, so I'm treating the dame blanche with blasts of ozone (i read around it helps to stop the spores from multiplying) and I think I'll use the J. Cervantes hydrogen peroxide solution method with the buku. at least the top buds which appear to...
  16. ganjalibera

    Possible mould very close to harvest, need fast solution

    the fan is at max speed already but it's small and down low thinking that if there was going to be any mould would be there rather than up top, although never had anything like this happening before. this is the first crop I have also had extraction fan and filter in the tent beside the bog...
  17. ganjalibera

    Possible mould very close to harvest, need fast solution

    Yo, I'm about to chop my Buku but I just discovered some of ,I think, top-most leaves have what looks like mould. I removed all the affected leaves and opened up the top buds to allow extra air circulation and to use the HPS heat to hopefully dry the fuck out the motherfucker, but is there...
  18. ganjalibera

    Tiny white fast crawlers (gnats??)

    I didn't know anything about them and apparently they seem to prevent fungi in green houses and i guess grow tents. nice to learn something new. thanks man if anyone else wants to find out more
  19. ganjalibera

    Tiny white fast crawlers (gnats??)

    thanks bro, so will perlite or sand be enough? shouldn't i try to kill the little fuckers? :twisted:
  20. ganjalibera

    Deficiency? *pics*

    i had a similar issue with my past crop and someone here suggested magnesium deficiency