Possible mould very close to harvest, need fast solution


Active Member
Yo, I'm about to chop my Buku but I just discovered some of ,I think, top-most leaves have what looks like mould. I removed all the affected leaves and opened up the top buds to allow extra air circulation and to use the HPS heat to hopefully dry the fuck out the motherfucker, but is there anything else I should do? should I not smoke those buds? can I treat it with something? I was planning to harvest tomorrow :(

If its powdery mildew, after the chop and trim job you can do a quick soak in hydrogen peroxide and water solution to kill mold. You can YouTube the video by Jorge Cervantes as he does it. Worked for me! Good luck


Active Member
the fan is at max speed already but it's small and down low thinking that if there was going to be any mould would be there rather than up top, although never had anything like this happening before. this is the first crop I have also had extraction fan and filter in the tent beside the bog standard one. I don't think it's powdery mildew, leaves have kinda black spots going mouldy. i eliminated all the fucked up leaves i could see but i'm worried it's gonna spread and fuck it all up. I don't want to puff mould but I don't want to give a part of my sweet baby buku up. I also don't want it to fuck with my other plants in there, dame blanche is almost getting chopped too. Shouldn't that mould go after drying? Thanks for the advice though, much appreciated. It's sleeping at the moment, i'll check her out again in the morning.


Active Member
it doesn't seem to be that bad but I worry it'll spread, so I'm treating the dame blanche with blasts of ozone (i read around it helps to stop the spores from multiplying) and I think I'll use the J. Cervantes hydrogen peroxide solution method with the buku. at least the top buds which appear to be the ones affected. fingers crossed. 2 60 days autos seed are in germination just in case (La diva and 60 days wonder), while i wait for the 2 thai/haze to do their thing. I'm also thinking about buying a new grow tent to possibly avoid the same thing from happening again from trapped spores.