Tiny white fast crawlers (gnats??)


Active Member
Anybody experienced tiny white and fast crawlers in their soil? I think it could be fungus gnats, annoying but I think fairly harmless, but I wanna make sure. I've had them for a while in a Spathiphyllum plant I have in the kitchen and never seemed to affect the plant's health (although it didn't flower this year, but could be due to shitty weather) and they should feed on rotting matter rather than my beloved ganja plants. At the same time I'd rather not have infestation of any kind, if I can avoid it. The plants seem to be doing great, the orange bud is just getting bigger and bigger and there seems to be the belief that fast crawlers are nothing to worry about, unlike slow ones. I saw a video with someone suggesting to attract them and drown them in a bowl of water and vinegar, so I'm hoping that's gonna work. Any idea peeps? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it to me, I've seen them before and never had any serious infestation issues. Take pre-emptive action and throw a 1" layer of perlite, sand or apply diatomacious earth.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
There springtails, leave them be they dont harm nothing. Springtails are part of the soil life, kill these and you'll most likely wipe out all soil life at the same time. Peace